************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:29: Harness - Use BinaryTestFinder... Starting tests 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - startingTestRun - keywords set to: null 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" Feb 8, 2022 4:26:30 PM Harness starting test run with configuration "ts_unix"... ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - StandardDeployment14.init() 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - StandardDeployment14: Using porting set #1 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - DeployTestUtil.loadDMFactories called 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - DeployTestUtil.loadDMFactories using jarfile: target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - loadDeploymentFactories loading factories from file:openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - Looking for manifest entry: J2EE-DeploymentFactory-Implementation-Class 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - loadDeploymentFactories about to load classes :org.apache.openejb.config.VmDeploymentFactory 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - Registered DeploymentFactory: OpenEJB - VM 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - amd Obtained FRESH DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - Deployed Modules: 02-08-2022 16:26:30: Harness - Using porting.ts.deploy2.class.1 [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 249 on port: 44833 [] CONNECT ATTEMPTS FAILED ( 249 ATTEMPTS) [] START SERVER OPENEJB_HOME = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT SYSTEM_INFO = Java 1.8.0_282; Linux/4.14.225-169.362.amzn2.aarch64 /home/ec2-user/jdk17/bin/java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DISABLE_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DEFAULT_PROCESS_PERIOD=0 -Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/logging.properties -javaagent:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/temp -Dcatalina.base=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dcatalina.home=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dcatalina.ext.dirs=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0=true -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -ea -classpath /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/bin/tomcat-juli.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 0 on port: 44833 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.628 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.persistence.PersistenceBootstrap.getDefaultProvider Default JPA Provider changed to org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider specified by jar:file:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/org.apache.openejb.persistence.PersistenceBootstrap.provider 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.879 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Match [Server/Service/Engine/Host/Valve] failed to set property [resolveHosts] to [false] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.883 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server version name: Apache Tomcat/9.0.58 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.883 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server built: Jan 15 2022 14:37:38 UTC 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.884 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server version number: 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.884 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke OS Name: Linux 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.884 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke OS Version: 4.14.225-169.362.amzn2.aarch64 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.884 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Architecture: aarch64 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.885 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Java Home: /home/ec2-user/jdk-17 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.885 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke JVM Version: 17+35-LTS-2724 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.885 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.885 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke CATALINA_BASE: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.886 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke CATALINA_HOME: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.886 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.887 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.887 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DISABLE_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS=true 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.887 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS=true 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.888 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DEFAULT_PROCESS_PERIOD=0 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.888 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.890 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/logging.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.890 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -javaagent:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.890 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.891 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/temp 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.891 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.891 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.891 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.ext.dirs=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.893 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.893 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0=true 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.893 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.894 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.894 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.894 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.894 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -ea 08-Feb-2022 16:26:30.896 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows using OpenSSL was not found on the java.library.path: [/usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.287 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The ["http-nio-42543"] connector has been configured to support HTTP upgrade to [h2c] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.287 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-42543"] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.327 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Initializing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46237"] [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 1 on port: 44833 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.529 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [utnuserfirstobjectca [jdk]] and DN [CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, ST=UT, C=US] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue Jul 09 18:40:36 UTC 2019]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.529 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [globalsignr2ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Dec 15 08:00:00 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.530 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [identrustdstx3 [jdk]] and DN [CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Thu Sep 30 14:01:15 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.530 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustexternalca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:48:38 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.537 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [verisigntsaca [jdk]] and DN [CN=Thawte Timestamping CA, OU=Thawte Certification, O=Thawte, L=Durbanville, ST=Western Cape, C=ZA] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Fri Jan 01 23:59:59 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.538 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [luxtrustglobalrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=LuxTrust Global Root, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Mar 17 09:51:37 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.538 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [soneraclass2ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=Sonera Class2 CA, O=Sonera, C=FI] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue Apr 06 07:29:40 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.539 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [thawtepremiumserverca [jdk]] and DN [EMAILADDRESS=premium-server@thawte.com, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, OU=Certification Services Division, O=Thawte Consulting cc, L=Cape Town, ST=Western Cape, C=ZA] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Fri Jan 01 23:59:59 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.539 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [quovadisrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority, OU=Root Certification Authority, O=QuoVadis Limited, C=BM] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Mar 17 18:33:33 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.540 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustclass1ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust Class 1 CA Root, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:38:31 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.540 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [keynectisrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=KEYNECTIS ROOT CA, OU=ROOT, O=KEYNECTIS, C=FR] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue May 26 00:00:00 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.540 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustqualifiedca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust Qualified CA Root, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:44:50 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.838 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'tomee.remote.support=true' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.846 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.jdbc.datasource-creator=org.apache.tomee.jdbc.TomEEDataSourceCreator' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.866 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.environment.default=true' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.883 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.deploymentId.format={appId}/{ejbJarId}/{ejbName}' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.887 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.vendor.config=glassfish' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.940 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. ******************************************************************************** 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.941 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. OpenEJB http://tomee.apache.org/ 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.942 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Startup: Tue Feb 08 16:26:31 UTC 2022 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.942 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Copyright 1999-2021 (C) Apache TomEE Project, All Rights Reserved. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.943 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Version: 8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.943 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Build date: 20220208 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.943 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Build time: 12:34 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.943 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. ******************************************************************************** 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.943 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. openejb.home = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.944 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. openejb.base = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.948 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.cdi.CdiBuilder.initializeOWB Created new singletonService org.apache.openejb.cdi.ThreadSingletonServiceImpl@5fcacc0 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.950 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.cdi.CdiBuilder.initializeOWB Succeeded in installing singleton service 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.978 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.environment.default=true' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.979 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.deploymentId.format={appId}/{ejbJarId}/{ejbName}' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.979 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.vendor.config=glassfish' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:31.986 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.init TomEE configuration file is '/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/tomee.xml' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.026 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Tomcat Security Service, type=SecurityService, provider-id=Tomcat Security Service) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.028 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Transaction Manager, type=TransactionManager, provider-id=Default Transaction Manager) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.029 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/securityAPIDB, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.030 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB1, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.031 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB1Unmanaged, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.032 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.033 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB_no_tx, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.035 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=MailSession, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Mail Session) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.038 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=CmpContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default CMP Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.039 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=StatefulContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateful Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.039 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=StatelessContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateless Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.040 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=SingletonContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Singleton Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.042 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.system.apps=true' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.051 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureApplication Configuring enterprise application: openejb 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.165 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.InitEjbDeployments.deploy Using openejb.deploymentId.format '{ejbName}' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.166 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.InitEjbDeployments.deploy Auto-deploying ejb openejb/Deployer: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.167 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.InitEjbDeployments.deploy Auto-deploying ejb openejb/ConfigurationInfo: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.168 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.InitEjbDeployments.deploy Auto-deploying ejb MEJB: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=MEJB) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.172 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.172 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.187 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.AppInfoBuilder.build Enterprise application "openejb" loaded. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.190 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating TransactionManager(id=Default Transaction Manager) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.233 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating SecurityService(id=Tomcat Security Service) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.255 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/securityAPIDB) [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 2 on port: 44833 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.381 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB1) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.419 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB1Unmanaged) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.450 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.488 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB_no_tx) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.507 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=MailSession) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.526 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=CmpContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.543 WARNING [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.unusedProperty unused property 'Engine' for resource 'CmpContainer' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.544 WARNING [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.unusedProperty unused property 'ConnectorName' for resource 'CmpContainer' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.545 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=StatefulContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.558 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater.init Using directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/temp for stateful session passivation 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.570 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=StatelessContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.575 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.579 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Assembling app: openejb 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.614 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.jndiname.format={deploymentId}{interfaceType.openejbLegacyName}' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.622 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/WebappDeployerBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/WebappDeployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.622 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/WebappDeployer!org.apache.openejb.assembler.Deployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/WebappDeployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.623 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/WebappDeployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/WebappDeployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.624 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacadeBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.625 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade!org.apache.tomee.catalina.facade.ExceptionManagerFacade) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.626 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.627 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.627 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/Deployer!org.apache.openejb.assembler.Deployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.628 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/Deployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.629 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/ConfigurationInfoBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.629 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/ConfigurationInfo!org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.cmd.ConfigurationInfo) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.629 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/ConfigurationInfo) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.631 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=MEJB) --> Ejb(deployment-id=MEJB) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.631 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/MEJB!javax.management.j2ee.ManagementHome) --> Ejb(deployment-id=MEJB) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.631 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/MEJB) --> Ejb(deployment-id=MEJB) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.727 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=MEJB, ejb-name=MEJB, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.730 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade, ejb-name=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.736 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, ejb-name=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.738 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.739 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/WebappDeployer, ejb-name=openejb/WebappDeployer, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.741 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=MEJB, ejb-name=MEJB, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.741 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade, ejb-name=openejb/ExceptionManagerFacade, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.741 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, ejb-name=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.741 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.741 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/WebappDeployer, ejb-name=openejb/WebappDeployer, container=SingletonContainer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.743 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.deployMBean Deployed MBean(openejb.user.mbeans:application=openejb,group=org.apache.openejb.assembler.monitoring,name=JMXDeployer) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.746 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Deployed Application(path=openejb) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.747 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Naming context of deployed Application(path=openejb) is set to read only 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.773 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.cxf.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.776 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=cxf) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.901 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/cxf-rs.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.902 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.cxf-rs.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.904 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=cxf-rs) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.918 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/derbynet.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.918 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.derbynet.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.918 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=derbynet) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:32.921 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.hsql.properties 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.050 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start ** Bound Services ** 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.051 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.printRow NAME IP PORT 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.051 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.printRow derbynet 4205 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.051 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start ------- 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.051 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start Ready! 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.051 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server initialization in [2380] milliseconds 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.088 INFO [main] org.apache.tomee.catalina.OpenEJBNamingContextListener.bindResource Importing a Tomcat Resource with id 'UserDatabase' of type 'org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.089 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=UserDatabase) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.095 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting service [Catalina] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.095 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.58] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.158 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-42543"] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.167 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46237"] 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.173 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server startup in [121] milliseconds [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 3 on port: 44833 [] CONNECTED IN 3 OpenEJB - Initialized Deployment helper OpenEJB - initialized JMSAdmin helper 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.333 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Invalid shutdown command [] received 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - AutoDeployment.init() 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - AutoDeployment: Using porting set #2 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Using porting.ts.deploy2.class.2 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - ss: modified runtime.xml Loading /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/src/com/sun/ts/lib/harness/commonarchives.properties getCommonApps - relativeTestDir = com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async Loading /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/src/com/sun/ts/lib/harness/rebuildable.properties 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Undeploying apps... 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Deployed Modules: Undeployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Valid runtime files after sweep: 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Valid runtime files after sweep: 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - StandardDeployment14.deploy() 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war OpenEJB - module: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 02-08-2022 16:26:33: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected Feb 08, 2022 4:26:33 PM org.apache.openejb.client.EventLogger log INFO: RemoteInitialContextCreated{providerUri=http://localhost:42543/tomee/ejb} 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.667 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.JarExtractor.extract Extracting jar: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.674 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.JarExtractor.extract Extracted path: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.674 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomcatWebAppBuilder.deployWebApps using default host: localhost 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.675 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomcatWebAppBuilder.init ------------------------- localhost -> /wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.675 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.crosscontext=true' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.917 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.forced-skip=com.sun.ts.tests.jaspic.tssv.' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.917 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.forced-load=com.sun.ts.tests.' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.917 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.filterable-resources=META-INF/services/javax.validation.spi.ValidationProvider,META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder,META-INF/services/javax.json.spi.JsonProvider,META-INF/services/javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider,META-INF/javamail.default.providers,META-INF/javamail.default.address.map,META-INF/javamail.charset.map,META-INF/mailcap,org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:33.935 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureApplication Configuring enterprise application: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.058 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Managed Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Managed Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.058 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.createContainer Auto-creating a container for bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709: Container(type=MANAGED, id=Default Managed Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.058 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=Default Managed Container) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.062 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.core.managed.SimplePassivater.init Using directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/temp for stateful session passivation 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.066 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Executor Service) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.066 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService' of type 'javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService' for 'wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.067 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService' in bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.068 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Scheduled Executor Service) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.068 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService' of type 'javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService' for 'wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.068 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService' in bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.069 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Managed Thread Factory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.069 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory' of type 'javax.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory' for 'wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.069 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory' in bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.070 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultContextService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Context Service) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.070 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultContextService' of type 'javax.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService' for 'wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.070 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=comp/DefaultContextService) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.073 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultContextService' in bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultContextService) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.074 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JMS Connection Factory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.074 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory' of type 'javax.jms.ConnectionFactory' for 'wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709'. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.075 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default JMS Resource Adapter, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JMS Resource Adapter) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.076 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.076 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.273 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent Checkpoint start 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.273 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent checkpointClose start 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.275 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent checkpointClose synched 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.278 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent checkpointClose script done 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.282 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent checkpointClose end 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.283 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.hsqldb.persist.Logger.logInfoEvent Checkpoint end - txts: 1 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.291 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=Default JMS Resource Adapter) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.319 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doCreateResource Thread pool size for 'Default JMS Resource Adapter' is (30) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.327 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker ActiveMQ5Factory creating broker 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.438 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService. Loaded the Bouncy Castle security provider at position: 13 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.468 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker Using ActiveMQ startup timeout of 10000ms 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.469 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory$1.run Starting ActiveMQ BrokerService 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.474 WARNING [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.checkMemorySystemUsageLimits Memory Usage for the Broker (1024mb) is more than the maximum available for the JVM: 982 mb - resetting to 70% of maximum available: 687 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.474 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Using Persistence Adapter: MemoryPersistenceAdapter 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.609 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.3 (localhost, ID:ip-172-31-86-41.ec2.internal-38319-1644337594483-0:1) is starting 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.612 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportServerThreadSupport.doStart Listening for connections at: tcp://localhost:61616 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.613 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector.start Connector tcp://localhost:61616 started 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.613 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.3 (localhost, ID:ip-172-31-86-41.ec2.internal-38319-1644337594483-0:1) started 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.613 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.626 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory$1.run Starting ActiveMQ checkpoint 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.626 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker ActiveMQ broker started 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.633 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.636 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doCreateResource Creating ConnectionManager for Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.643 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.geronimo.connector.outbound.GenericConnectionManager$InterceptorsImpl. No runtime TransactionSupport 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.651 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory' in bean wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.Comp1598578709 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.652 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.652 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.654 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AppInfoBuilder.build Enterprise application "/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web" loaded. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.655 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Assembling app: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.680 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Deployed Application(path=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web) 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.680 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Naming context of deployed Application(path=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web) is set to read only 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.964 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time. 08-Feb-2022 16:26:34.992 INFO [http-nio-42543-exec-3] com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized Initializing Mojarra 2.3.15 for context '/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web' 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" OpenEJB - Distribute returned moduleID /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected Deployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:35: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:39: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 1 (1 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 7 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:39: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:39: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:39: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:40: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:41: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binary 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:42: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:43: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 2 (2 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 6 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:43: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:43: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:43: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:47: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 3 (3 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 5 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:47: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:47: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:47: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:48: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:49: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/binarystream 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:50: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:51: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 4 (4 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 4 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:51: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:51: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:51: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:55: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 5 (5 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 3 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:56: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:57: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/text 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:26:58: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:26:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:26:59: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 6 (6 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 2 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:26:59: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:26:59: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:26:59: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/echo 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:03: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 7 (7 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 1 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@362a930e amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tomee-tck-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.3.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/cts-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/dbprocedures-8.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8u282-b08/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/apache-tomee-plume-8.0.10-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish5/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "41285" 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: On open on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:04: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id a 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id b 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id c 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id d 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id e 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: On open on session id f 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:05: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.javax.websocket.remoteendpoint.usercoder.async.WSClient 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: **runmethod=sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_setup 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest_cleanup 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: CHAR, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( CHAR ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: BOOL, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BOOL ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: BYTE, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( BYTE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: SHORT, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( SHORT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: INT, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( INT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: LONG, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( LONG ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: FLOAT, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( FLOAT ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:42543/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web/textstream 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: On open on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 02-08-2022 16:27:06: Sending entity 1 part: DOUBLE, 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( DOUBLE ) 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: Received message so far Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' starting at index location: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Anything that should have been coded has been coded into this' at index '0' in the server's response 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 02-08-2022 16:27:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 02-08-2022 16:27:07: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 8 (8 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 0 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - Undeploying apps... 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - Deployed Modules: Undeployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee8tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async Successfully removed JMS connection factories from server 1. Successfully removed JMS connection factories from server 2. ******************************************************************************** Completed running 8 tests. Number of Tests Passed = 8 Number of Tests Failed = 0 Number of Tests with Errors = 0 ******************************************************************************** PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnClientTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryEncoderOnServerTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnClientTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesBinaryStreamEncoderOnServerTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnClientTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextEncoderOnServerTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnClientTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/WSClient.java#sendObjectPrimitivesTextStreamEncoderOnServerTest Feb 8, 2022 4:27:08 PM Finished executing all tests, wait for cleanup... Feb 8, 2022 4:27:08 PM Harness done with cleanup from test run. Total time = 37s Setup time = 0s Cleanup time = 0s Test results: passed: 8 Results written to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp8730793806951932480dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-11118/target/tck-work. 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - IN SHUTDOWNHOOK state file is : "/tmp/ts-deployed-modules_1.ser" 02-08-2022 16:27:08: Harness - Deployed Modules: 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.106 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping the Server instance. 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.107 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-42543"] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.107 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Pausing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46237"] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.110 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping service [Catalina] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.121 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.destroyApplication Undeploying app: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-8.0.2-final/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/remoteendpoint/usercoder/async/wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.186 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [wsc_ee_javax_websocket_remoteendpoint_usercoder_async_web] appears to have started a thread named [PoolIdleReleaseTimer] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: java.base@17/java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.base@17/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:563) java.base@17/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.186 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesObjectStreamClassCaches When running on Java 9 or later you need to add "--add-opens=java.base/java.io=null" to the JVM command line arguments to enable ObjectStream cache memory leak protection. Alternatively, you can suppress this warning by disabling ObjectStream class cache memory leak protection. 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.192 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalsForLeaks When running on Java 9 or later you need to add "--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=null" to the JVM command line arguments to enable ThreadLocal memory leak detection. Alternatively, you can suppress this warning by disabling ThreadLocal memory leak detection. 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.193 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesRmiTargets When running on Java 9 or later you need to add "--add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=null" to the JVM command line arguments to enable RMI Target memory leak detection. Alternatively, you can suppress this warning by disabling RMI Target memory leak detection. 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.194 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-42543"] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.199 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46237"] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.210 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.stop Stopping server services 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.328 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.destroyApplication Undeploying app: openejb 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.335 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.350 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB1 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.353 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB1Unmanaged 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.355 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB_no_tx 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.357 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/securityAPIDB 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.361 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: Default Unmanaged JDBC Database 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.364 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Stopping ResourceAdapter: Default JMS Resource Adapter 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.365 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQResourceAdapter.stop Stopping ActiveMQ 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.372 INFO [ActiveMQResourceAdapter stop] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQResourceAdapter.stopImpl Stopped ActiveMQ broker 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.376 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-42543"] 08-Feb-2022 16:27:08.377 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Destroying ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46237"]