************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - Use BinaryTestFinder... Starting tests 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - startingTestRun - keywords set to: null 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" May 22, 2023, 11:33:27 PM Harness starting test run with configuration "ts_unix"... ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - StandardDeployment14.init() 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - StandardDeployment14: Using porting set #1 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - DeployTestUtil.loadDMFactories called 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - DeployTestUtil.loadDMFactories using jarfile: target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - loadDeploymentFactories loading factories from file:openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - Looking for manifest entry: J2EE-DeploymentFactory-Implementation-Class 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - loadDeploymentFactories about to load classes :org.apache.openejb.config.VmDeploymentFactory 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - Registered DeploymentFactory: OpenEJB - VM 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - amd Obtained FRESH DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - Deployed Modules: 05-22-2023 23:33:27: Harness - Using porting.ts.deploy2.class.1 [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 249 on port: 34745 [] CONNECT ATTEMPTS FAILED ( 249 ATTEMPTS) [] START SERVER OPENEJB_HOME = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT SYSTEM_INFO = Java 11.0.10; Linux/4.14.225-169.362.amzn2.aarch64 /home/ec2-user/jdk17/bin/java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DISABLE_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DEFAULT_PROCESS_PERIOD=0 -Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/logging.properties -javaagent:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/temp -Dcatalina.base=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dcatalina.home=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dcatalina.ext.dirs=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0=true -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -ea -classpath /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/bootstrap.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/tomcat-juli.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 0 on port: 34745 22-May-2023 23:33:28.423 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.persistence.PersistenceBootstrap.getDefaultProvider Default JPA Provider changed to org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider specified by jar:file:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/org.apache.openejb.persistence.PersistenceBootstrap.provider 22-May-2023 23:33:28.619 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Match [Server/Service/Engine/Host/Valve] failed to set property [resolveHosts] to [false] 22-May-2023 23:33:28.625 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server version name: Apache Tomcat (TomEE)/10.0.27 (9.0.1-SNAPSHOT) 22-May-2023 23:33:28.625 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server built: Oct 3 2022 14:18:31 UTC 22-May-2023 23:33:28.625 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server version number: 22-May-2023 23:33:28.626 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke OS Name: Linux 22-May-2023 23:33:28.626 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke OS Version: 4.14.225-169.362.amzn2.aarch64 22-May-2023 23:33:28.626 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Architecture: aarch64 22-May-2023 23:33:28.626 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Java Home: /home/ec2-user/jdk-17 22-May-2023 23:33:28.627 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke JVM Version: 17+35-LTS-2724 22-May-2023 23:33:28.627 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation 22-May-2023 23:33:28.627 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke CATALINA_BASE: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:28.627 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke CATALINA_HOME: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:28.628 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 22-May-2023 23:33:28.629 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI 22-May-2023 23:33:28.630 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED 22-May-2023 23:33:28.630 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED 22-May-2023 23:33:28.630 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED 22-May-2023 23:33:28.631 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED 22-May-2023 23:33:28.631 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED 22-May-2023 23:33:28.631 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DISABLE_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS=true 22-May-2023 23:33:28.632 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS=true 22-May-2023 23:33:28.632 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.websocket.DEFAULT_PROCESS_PERIOD=0 22-May-2023 23:33:28.632 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dopenejb.deployer.jndiname=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote 22-May-2023 23:33:28.632 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/logging.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:28.632 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -javaagent:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-javaagent.jar 22-May-2023 23:33:28.633 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager 22-May-2023 23:33:28.633 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/temp 22-May-2023 23:33:28.633 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.base=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:28.634 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.home=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:28.634 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dcatalina.ext.dirs=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib 22-May-2023 23:33:28.634 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true 22-May-2023 23:33:28.634 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie.ALLOW_HTTP_SEPARATORS_IN_V0=true 22-May-2023 23:33:28.635 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks 22-May-2023 23:33:28.635 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit 22-May-2023 23:33:28.635 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore 22-May-2023 23:33:28.635 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl 22-May-2023 23:33:28.636 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Command line argument: -ea 22-May-2023 23:33:28.637 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows using OpenSSL was not found on the java.library.path: [/usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib] 22-May-2023 23:33:29.022 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The ["http-nio-37697"] connector has been configured to support HTTP upgrade to [h2c] 22-May-2023 23:33:29.022 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-37697"] [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 1 on port: 34745 22-May-2023 23:33:29.061 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Initializing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46865"] 22-May-2023 23:33:29.352 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [utnuserfirstobjectca [jdk]] and DN [CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, ST=UT, C=US] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue Jul 09 18:40:36 UTC 2019]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.354 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [globalsignr2ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R2] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Dec 15 08:00:00 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.356 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [identrustdstx3 [jdk]] and DN [CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Thu Sep 30 14:01:15 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.357 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustexternalca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust External CA Root, OU=AddTrust External TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:48:38 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.358 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [verisigntsaca [jdk]] and DN [CN=Thawte Timestamping CA, OU=Thawte Certification, O=Thawte, L=Durbanville, ST=Western Cape, C=ZA] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Fri Jan 01 23:59:59 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.359 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [luxtrustglobalrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=LuxTrust Global Root, O=LuxTrust s.a., C=LU] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Mar 17 09:51:37 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.359 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [soneraclass2ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=Sonera Class2 CA, O=Sonera, C=FI] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue Apr 06 07:29:40 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.360 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [thawtepremiumserverca [jdk]] and DN [EMAILADDRESS=premium-server@thawte.com, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, OU=Certification Services Division, O=Thawte Consulting cc, L=Cape Town, ST=Western Cape, C=ZA] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Fri Jan 01 23:59:59 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.362 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [geotrustglobalca [jdk]] and DN [CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 21 04:00:00 UTC 2022]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.363 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [quovadisrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority, OU=Root Certification Authority, O=QuoVadis Limited, C=BM] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Wed Mar 17 18:33:33 UTC 2021]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.363 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustclass1ca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust Class 1 CA Root, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:38:31 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.363 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [keynectisrootca [jdk]] and DN [CN=KEYNECTIS ROOT CA, OU=ROOT, O=KEYNECTIS, C=FR] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Tue May 26 00:00:00 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.364 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke The trusted certificate with alias [addtrustqualifiedca [jdk]] and DN [CN=AddTrust Qualified CA Root, OU=AddTrust TTP Network, O=AddTrust AB, C=SE] is not valid due to [NotAfter: Sat May 30 10:44:50 UTC 2020]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted 22-May-2023 23:33:29.644 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'tomee.remote.support=true' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.666 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.jdbc.datasource-creator=org.apache.tomee.jdbc.TomEEDataSourceCreator' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.679 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.environment.default=true' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.690 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.deploymentId.format={appId}/{ejbJarId}/{ejbName}' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.694 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.vendor.config=glassfish' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.754 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. ******************************************************************************** 22-May-2023 23:33:29.755 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. OpenEJB http://tomee.apache.org/ 22-May-2023 23:33:29.755 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Startup: Mon May 22 23:33:29 UTC 2023 22-May-2023 23:33:29.755 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Copyright 1999-2021 (C) Apache TomEE Project, All Rights Reserved. 22-May-2023 23:33:29.756 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Version: 9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:29.757 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Build date: 20230522 22-May-2023 23:33:29.758 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. Build time: 09:29 22-May-2023 23:33:29.758 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. ******************************************************************************** 22-May-2023 23:33:29.758 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. openejb.home = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:29.759 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.OpenEJB$Instance. openejb.base = /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT 22-May-2023 23:33:29.762 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.cdi.CdiBuilder.initializeOWB Created new singletonService org.apache.openejb.cdi.ThreadSingletonServiceImpl@165b2f7f 22-May-2023 23:33:29.764 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.cdi.CdiBuilder.initializeOWB Succeeded in installing singleton service 22-May-2023 23:33:29.796 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.environment.default=true' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.797 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.deploymentId.format={appId}/{ejbJarId}/{ejbName}' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.797 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.vendor.config=glassfish' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.801 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.init TomEE configuration file is '/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/tomee.xml' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.843 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Tomcat Security Service, type=SecurityService, provider-id=Tomcat Security Service) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.847 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Transaction Manager, type=TransactionManager, provider-id=Default Transaction Manager) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.848 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/securityAPIDB, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.849 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB1, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.849 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB1Unmanaged, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.850 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.851 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=jdbc/DB_no_tx, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.852 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=MailSession, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Mail Session) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.854 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=CmpContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default CMP Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.856 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=StatefulContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateful Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.857 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=StatelessContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateless Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.858 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=SingletonContainer, type=Container, provider-id=Default Singleton Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.860 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.system.apps=true' 22-May-2023 23:33:29.890 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating TransactionManager(id=Default Transaction Manager) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.940 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating SecurityService(id=Tomcat Security Service) 22-May-2023 23:33:29.958 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/securityAPIDB) [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 2 on port: 34745 22-May-2023 23:33:30.104 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB1) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.132 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB1Unmanaged) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.178 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.254 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=jdbc/DB_no_tx) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.290 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=MailSession) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.329 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=CmpContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.340 WARNING [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.unusedProperty unused property 'Engine' for resource 'CmpContainer' 22-May-2023 23:33:30.340 WARNING [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.unusedProperty unused property 'ConnectorName' for resource 'CmpContainer' 22-May-2023 23:33:30.342 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=StatefulContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.360 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater.init Using directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/temp for stateful session passivation 22-May-2023 23:33:30.369 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=StatelessContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.374 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=SingletonContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.393 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Assembling app: openejb 22-May-2023 23:33:30.432 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.jndiname.format={deploymentId}{interfaceType.openejbLegacyName}' 22-May-2023 23:33:30.440 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/DeployerBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.441 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/openejb/Deployer!org.apache.openejb.assembler.Deployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.442 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/openejb/Deployer) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.442 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=openejb/ConfigurationInfoBusinessRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.443 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind Jndi(name=global/openejb/openejb/openejb/Deployer!org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.cmd.ConfigurationInfo) --> Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.450 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.452 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Created Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.452 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/ConfigurationInfo, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.452 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.startEjbs Started Ejb(deployment-id=openejb/Deployer, ejb-name=openejb/Deployer, container=SingletonContainer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.457 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.deployMBean Deployed MBean(openejb.user.mbeans:application=openejb,group=org.apache.openejb.assembler.monitoring,name=JMXDeployer) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.458 WARNING [main] org.apache.batchee.container.services.ServicesManager.init You didn't specify org.apache.batchee.jmx.application and JMX is already registered, skipping 22-May-2023 23:33:30.459 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Deployed Application(path=openejb) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.459 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Naming context of deployed Application(path=openejb) is set to read only 22-May-2023 23:33:30.485 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.cxf.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.488 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=cxf) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.598 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/cxf-rs.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.600 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.cxf-rs.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.600 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=cxf-rs) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.612 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/derbynet.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.612 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.derbynet.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.613 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.initServer Creating ServerService(id=derbynet) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.615 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.ServiceManager.addProperties Using legacy configuration path for new service: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/development.hsql.properties 22-May-2023 23:33:30.760 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start ** Bound Services ** 22-May-2023 23:33:30.760 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.printRow NAME IP PORT 22-May-2023 23:33:30.761 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.printRow derbynet 4205 22-May-2023 23:33:30.761 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start ------- 22-May-2023 23:33:30.761 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.start Ready! 22-May-2023 23:33:30.761 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server initialization in [2296] milliseconds 22-May-2023 23:33:30.801 INFO [main] org.apache.tomee.catalina.OpenEJBNamingContextListener.bindResource Importing a Tomcat Resource with id 'UserDatabase' of type 'org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase'. 22-May-2023 23:33:30.801 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=UserDatabase) 22-May-2023 23:33:30.805 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting service [Catalina] 22-May-2023 23:33:30.805 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat (TomEE)/10.0.27 (9.0.1-SNAPSHOT)] 22-May-2023 23:33:30.861 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-37697"] 22-May-2023 23:33:30.871 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46865"] 22-May-2023 23:33:30.876 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Server startup in [115] milliseconds [] CONNECT ATTEMPT 3 on port: 34745 [] CONNECTED IN 3 22-May-2023 23:33:31.051 WARNING [main] jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Invalid shutdown command [] received OpenEJB - Initialized Deployment helper OpenEJB - initialized JMSAdmin helper 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - AutoDeployment.init() 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - AutoDeployment: Using porting set #2 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Using porting.ts.deploy2.class.2 getCommonApps - relativeTestDir = com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - ss: modified runtime.xml Loading /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/src/com/sun/ts/lib/harness/commonarchives.properties Loading /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/src/com/sun/ts/lib/harness/rebuildable.properties 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Undeploying apps... 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Deployed Modules: Undeployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Valid runtime files after sweep: 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Valid runtime files after sweep: 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - StandardDeployment14.deploy() 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war OpenEJB - module: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 05-22-2023 23:33:31: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected May 22, 2023 11:33:31 PM org.apache.openejb.client.EventLogger log INFO: RemoteInitialContextCreated{providerUri=http://localhost:37697/tomee/ejb} 22-May-2023 23:33:31.507 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.JarExtractor.extract Extracting jar: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war 22-May-2023 23:33:31.535 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.JarExtractor.extract Extracted path: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:33:31.540 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomcatWebAppBuilder.deployWebApps using default host: localhost 22-May-2023 23:33:31.542 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomcatWebAppBuilder.init ------------------------- localhost -> /ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:33:31.542 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.crosscontext=true' 22-May-2023 23:33:31.692 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureApplication Configuring enterprise application: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:33:31.703 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.forced-skip=com.sun.ts.tests.jaspic.tssv.,com.sun.javatest' 22-May-2023 23:33:31.703 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.forced-load=com.sun.ts.tests.' 22-May-2023 23:33:31.703 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.classloader.filterable-resources=META-INF/services/jakarta.validation.spi.ValidationProvider,META-INF/services/jakarta.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder,META-INF/services/jakarta.json.spi.JsonProvider,META-INF/services/javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider,META-INF/javamail.default.providers,META-INF/javamail.default.address.map,META-INF/javamail.charset.map,META-INF/mailcap,org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class' 22-May-2023 23:33:31.808 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Managed Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Managed Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.808 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.createContainer Auto-creating a container for bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524: Container(type=MANAGED, id=Default Managed Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.809 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Container(id=Default Managed Container) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.814 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.core.managed.SimplePassivater.init Using directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/temp for stateful session passivation 22-May-2023 23:33:31.821 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Executor Service) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.822 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService' of type 'jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService' for 'ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524'. 22-May-2023 23:33:31.824 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService' in bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.825 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Scheduled Executor Service) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.825 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService' of type 'jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService' for 'ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524'. 22-May-2023 23:33:31.826 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService' in bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.826 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Managed Thread Factory) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.827 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory' of type 'jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory' for 'ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524'. 22-May-2023 23:33:31.827 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory' in bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.828 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultContextService, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Context Service) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.828 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultContextService' of type 'jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService' for 'ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524'. 22-May-2023 23:33:31.828 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=comp/DefaultContextService) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.832 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultContextService' in bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultContextService) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.833 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JMS Connection Factory) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.834 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.logAutoCreateResource Auto-creating a Resource with id 'comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory' of type 'jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory' for 'ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524'. 22-May-2023 23:33:31.839 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default JMS Resource Adapter, type=Resource, provider-id=Default JMS Resource Adapter) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.840 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.ConfigurationFactory.configureService Configuring Service(id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database, type=Resource, provider-id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:31.840 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=Default Unmanaged JDBC Database) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.233 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=Default JMS Resource Adapter) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.254 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doCreateResource Thread pool size for 'Default JMS Resource Adapter' is (30) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.267 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker ActiveMQ5Factory creating broker 22-May-2023 23:33:32.624 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService. Loaded the Bouncy Castle security provider at position: 13 22-May-2023 23:33:32.656 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker Using ActiveMQ startup timeout of 10000ms 22-May-2023 23:33:32.663 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory$1.run Starting ActiveMQ BrokerService 22-May-2023 23:33:32.669 WARNING [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.checkMemorySystemUsageLimits Memory Usage for the Broker (1024mb) is more than the maximum available for the JVM: 978 mb - resetting to 70% of maximum available: 684 22-May-2023 23:33:32.670 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Using Persistence Adapter: MemoryPersistenceAdapter 22-May-2023 23:33:32.670 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Starting Persistence Adapter: MemoryPersistenceAdapter 22-May-2023 23:33:32.670 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Starting Temp Data Store 22-May-2023 23:33:32.670 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Starting Job Scheduler Store 22-May-2023 23:33:32.670 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartPersistenceAdapter Persistence Adapter successfully started 22-May-2023 23:33:32.813 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker Apache ActiveMQ 5.18.1 (localhost, ID:ip-172-31-83-96.ec2.internal-33453-1684798412679-0:1) is starting 22-May-2023 23:33:32.818 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportServerThreadSupport.doStart Listening for connections at: tcp://localhost:61616 22-May-2023 23:33:32.818 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector.start Connector tcp://localhost:61616 started 22-May-2023 23:33:32.818 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker Apache ActiveMQ 5.18.1 (localhost, ID:ip-172-31-83-96.ec2.internal-33453-1684798412679-0:1) started 22-May-2023 23:33:32.819 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService.doStartBroker For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org 22-May-2023 23:33:32.832 INFO [ActiveMQFactory start and checkpoint] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory$1.run Starting ActiveMQ checkpoint 22-May-2023 23:33:32.832 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQ5Factory.createBroker ActiveMQ broker started 22-May-2023 23:33:32.841 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createRecipe Creating Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.845 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doCreateResource Creating ConnectionManager for Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.851 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.geronimo.connector.outbound.GenericConnectionManager$InterceptorsImpl. No runtime TransactionSupport 22-May-2023 23:33:32.861 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AutoConfig.processResourceEnvRef Auto-linking resource-env-ref 'java:comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory' in bean ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.Comp471328524 to Resource(id=comp/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory) 22-May-2023 23:33:32.863 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 22-May-2023 23:33:32.863 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.util.OptionsLog.info Using 'openejb.descriptors.output=false' 22-May-2023 23:33:32.872 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.config.AppInfoBuilder.build Enterprise application "/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web" loaded. 22-May-2023 23:33:32.873 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Assembling app: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:33:32.972 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.ValidatorBuilder.getConfig Ignoring XML Configuration for validator org.apache.bval.jsr.ConfigurationImpl 22-May-2023 23:33:33.012 WARNING [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.batchee.container.services.ServicesManager.init You didn't specify org.apache.batchee.jmx.application and JMX is already registered, skipping 22-May-2023 23:33:33.013 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Deployed Application(path=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web) 22-May-2023 23:33:33.013 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.createApplication Naming context of deployed Application(path=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web) is set to read only 22-May-2023 23:33:33.346 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.tomee.microprofile.openapi.MicroProfileOpenApiRegistration.onStartup Registering OpenAPI servlet on /openapi for application /ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:33:33.442 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time. 22-May-2023 23:33:33.474 INFO [http-nio-37697-exec-3] com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized Initializing Mojarra 3.0.2 for context '/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web' 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" OpenEJB - Distribute returned moduleID /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager OpenEJBDeploymentManager - connected Deployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: **runmethod=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:34: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: **runmethod=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:36: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: **runmethod=booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:37: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:38: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 1 (1 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 47 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBinaryTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:33:38: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:38: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:38: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t byteBufferToBinaryTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstream 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsession 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraypathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:39: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebufferpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreampathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:40: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstream 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsession 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraypathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebufferpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreampathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:41: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBinaryTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstream 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsession 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraypathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebufferpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreampathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecoderpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearraysessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/inputstreamsessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarydecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/binarystreamdecodersessionpathparam/byteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:42: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointbyteBufferToBinaryTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:43: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBinaryTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 2 (2 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 46 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBytesTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:33:43: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:43: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:43: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t byteBufferToBytesTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:44: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:45: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: **runmethod=byteBufferToBytesTest 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteBufferToBytesTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytearray 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:46: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:47: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBytesTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 3 (3 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 45 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t byteToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: **runmethod=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:48: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:49: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: **runmethod=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: On open on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:50: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 70 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 70 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 71 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 71 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 72 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 72 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 73 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 73 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 74 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 74 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 75 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 75 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 76 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 76 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: On open on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:51: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 77 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 77 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: **runmethod=byteToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: byteToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: byteToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 78 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 78 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 79 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 79 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 80 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 80 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 81 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 81 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 82 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 82 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 83 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 83 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 84 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 84 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 85 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 85 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 86 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 86 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 87 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 87 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 88 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 88 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 89 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 89 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123.0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 90 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 90 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 91 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 91 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 92 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 92 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 93 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 93 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 94 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 94 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 95 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 95 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 96 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 96 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 97 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 97 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 98 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 98 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 99 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 99 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a4 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a4 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a4 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a5 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a5 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a5 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a6 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a6 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a6 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a7 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a7 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a7 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a8 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a8 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a8 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id a9 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a9 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a9 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id aa 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: aa 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id aa 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id aa reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id ab 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ab 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ab 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ab reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id ac 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ac 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ac 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ac reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id ad 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ad 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ad 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ad reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id ae 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ae 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ae 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ae reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id af 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: af 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id af 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id af reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id b0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id b1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b1 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id b2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b2 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: On open on session id b3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:52: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: Received message so far 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123101 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b3 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:53: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 4 (4 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 44 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#charToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:33:53: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:53: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:53: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t charToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: **runmethod=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: charToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: charToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:54: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:55: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: **runmethod=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: charToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: charToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 70 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 70 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 71 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 71 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 72 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 72 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 73 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 73 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 74 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 74 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 75 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 75 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 76 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 76 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 77 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 77 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 78 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 78 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 79 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 79 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:56: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: **runmethod=charToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: charToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: charToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 80 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 80 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 81 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 81 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 82 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 82 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 83 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 83 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 84 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 84 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 85 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 85 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 86 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 86 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 87 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 87 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 88 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 88 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 89 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 89 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 90 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 90 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 91 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 91 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 92 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 92 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 93 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 93 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 94 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 94 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 95 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 95 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 96 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 96 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 97 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 97 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 98 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 98 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 99 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9c 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9d 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9e 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9f 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a1 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a2 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a2 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a2 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a3 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a3 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a3 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a4 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a4 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a4 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a5 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a5 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a5 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a6 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a6 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a6 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a7 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a7 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a7 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a8 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a8 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a8 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id a9 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a9 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a9 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id aa 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: aa 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id aa 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id aa reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id ab 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ab 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ab 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ab reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id ac 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ac 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ac 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ac reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id ad 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ad 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ad 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ad reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id ae 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ae 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ae 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ae reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: On open on session id af 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:57: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: af 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id af 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id af reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b1 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b1 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b1 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b2 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b2 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b2 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b3 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b3 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b3 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b4 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b4 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b4 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b5 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b5 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b5 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b6 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b6 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b6 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b7 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b7 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b7 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b8 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b8 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b8 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id b9 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b9 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b9 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id ba 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: ba 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id ba 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id ba reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id bb 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: bb 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id bb 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id bb reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id bc 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: bc 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id bc 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id bc reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id bd 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: bd 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id bd 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id bd reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id be 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: be 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id be 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id be reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/99 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: On open on session id bf 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:33:58: Sending entity 1 part: 1, 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1 ) 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: bf 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: Received message so far 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 199 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '199' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '199' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id bf 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id bf reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:33:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#charToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 5 (5 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 43 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#defaultMaxLengthTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:33:59: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:33:59: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:33:59: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t defaultMaxLengthTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: **runmethod=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:33:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:33:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/defaultmaxlen 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:00: Sending entity 1 part: 123456789, 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456789 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: Received message so far -1 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: **runmethod=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/defaultmaxlen 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:01: Sending entity 1 part: 123456789, 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456789 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: Received message so far -1 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: **runmethod=defaultMaxLengthTest 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: defaultMaxLengthTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/defaultmaxlen 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:02: Sending entity 1 part: 123456789, 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456789 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: Received message so far -1 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:03: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#defaultMaxLengthTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 6 (6 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 42 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#doubleToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:03: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:03: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:03: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t doubleToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: **runmethod=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: doubleToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: doubleToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:04: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: **runmethod=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: doubleToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: doubleToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:05: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: **runmethod=doubleToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: doubleToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: doubleToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:06: Sending entity 1 part: 1.7976931348623157E308, 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.7976931348623157E308 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: Received message so far 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.7976931348623157E308101.101 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.7976931348623157E308101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:34:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:07: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#doubleToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 7 (7 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 41 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:08: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:08: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:08: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoBooleanTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: **runmethod=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:08: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:08: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:08: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:08: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:08: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:08: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:08: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: **runmethod=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:09: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: **runmethod=echoBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:10: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:11: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 8 (8 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 40 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteBufferTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:12: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:12: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:12: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoByteBufferTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:12: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:12: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:12: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:12: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:12: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:12: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:12: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:13: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/bytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:14: Sending entity 1 part: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:15: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteBufferTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 9 (9 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 39 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:16: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:16: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:16: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoByteTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:16: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:16: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:16: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:16: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:16: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:16: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:16: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:17: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: **runmethod=echoByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:18: Sending entity 1 part: 123, 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 123 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: Received message so far 123 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 123 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '123' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '123' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:19: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 10 (10 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 38 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoCharTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:20: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:20: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:20: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoCharTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: **runmethod=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:20: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:20: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:20: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: Received message so far Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:20: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echar' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echar' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: **runmethod=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:22: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: Received message so far Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echar' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echar' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: **runmethod=echoCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:23: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: Received message so far Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echar 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echar' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echar' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoCharTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 11 (11 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 37 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoDoubleTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:24: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:24: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:24: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoDoubleTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: **runmethod=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:24: Sending entity 1 part: -1.234567888E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.234567888E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: Received message so far -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.234567888E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.234567888E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: **runmethod=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:26: Sending entity 1 part: -1.234567888E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.234567888E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: Received message so far -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.234567888E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.234567888E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: **runmethod=echoDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:27: Sending entity 1 part: -1.234567888E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.234567888E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: Received message so far -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.234567888E7 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.234567888E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.234567888E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoDoubleTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 12 (12 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 36 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFloatTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:28: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:28: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:28: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFloatTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:29: Sending entity 1 part: -1.2345679E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.2345679E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: Received message so far -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.2345679E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.2345679E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:30: Sending entity 1 part: -1.2345679E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.2345679E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: Received message so far -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.2345679E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.2345679E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:31: Sending entity 1 part: -1.2345679E7, 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -1.2345679E7 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: Received message so far -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -1.2345679E7 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-1.2345679E7' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-1.2345679E7' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFloatTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 13 (13 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 35 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:32: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:32: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:32: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullBooleanTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:33: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:34: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:35: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( true ) 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:36: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 14 (14 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 34 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullByteTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:36: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:36: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:36: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullByteTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:37: Sending entity 1 part: -128, 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -128 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: Received message so far -128 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -128 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-128' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-128' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:38: Sending entity 1 part: -128, 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -128 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: Received message so far -128 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -128 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-128' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-128' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullByteTest 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullByteTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullByteTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:39: Sending entity 1 part: -128, 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -128 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: Received message so far -128 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -128 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-128' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-128' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:40: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullByteTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 15 (15 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 33 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullCharTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:40: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:40: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:40: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullCharTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:41: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: Received message so far E 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: E 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'E' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'E' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:42: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: Received message so far E 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: E 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'E' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'E' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullCharTest 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:43: Sending entity 1 part: E, 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( E ) 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: Received message so far E 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: E 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'E' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'E' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:44: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullCharTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 16 (16 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 32 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullDoubleTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:44: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:44: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:44: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullDoubleTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:45: Sending entity 1 part: 4.9E-324, 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 4.9E-324 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: Received message so far 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '4.9E-324' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '4.9E-324' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:46: Sending entity 1 part: 4.9E-324, 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 4.9E-324 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: Received message so far 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '4.9E-324' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '4.9E-324' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullDoubleTest 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullDoubleTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullDoubleTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:47: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:47: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:47: Sending entity 1 part: 4.9E-324, 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 4.9E-324 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: Received message so far 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:47: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 4.9E-324 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '4.9E-324' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '4.9E-324' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:47: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:47: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:47: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:48: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullDoubleTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 17 (17 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 31 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullFloatTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:48: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:48: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:48: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullFloatTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:49: Sending entity 1 part: 3.4028235E38, 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 3.4028235E38 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: Received message so far 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '3.4028235E38' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '3.4028235E38' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:50: Sending entity 1 part: 3.4028235E38, 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 3.4028235E38 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: Received message so far 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '3.4028235E38' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '3.4028235E38' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullFloatTest 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullFloatTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullFloatTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:51: Sending entity 1 part: 3.4028235E38, 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 3.4028235E38 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: Received message so far 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 3.4028235E38 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '3.4028235E38' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '3.4028235E38' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:51: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:51: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:52: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullFloatTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 18 (18 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 30 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullIntTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:52: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:52: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:52: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullIntTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:53: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:54: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullIntTest 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:55: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:55: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:55: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:56: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullIntTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 19 (19 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 29 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullLongTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:34:56: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:34:56: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:34:56: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullLongTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:57: Sending entity 1 part: 9223372036854775807, 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 9223372036854775807 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: Received message so far 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '9223372036854775807' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '9223372036854775807' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:58: Sending entity 1 part: 9223372036854775807, 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 9223372036854775807 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: Received message so far 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '9223372036854775807' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '9223372036854775807' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullLongTest 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:34:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:34:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:34:59: Sending entity 1 part: 9223372036854775807, 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 9223372036854775807 ) 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: Received message so far 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:34:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 9223372036854775807 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '9223372036854775807' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '9223372036854775807' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:34:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:34:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:34:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:00: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullLongTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 20 (20 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 28 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullShortTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:00: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:00: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:00: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoFullShortTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:01: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:02: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: **runmethod=echoFullShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoFullShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoFullShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:03: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:04: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullShortTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 21 (21 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 27 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoIntTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:04: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:04: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:04: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoIntTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: **runmethod=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:05: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: **runmethod=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:06: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: **runmethod=echoIntTest 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoIntTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoIntTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:07: Sending entity 1 part: -2147483648, 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -2147483648 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: Received message so far -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -2147483648 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-2147483648' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-2147483648' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:08: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoIntTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 22 (22 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 26 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoLongTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:08: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:08: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:08: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoLongTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: **runmethod=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:09: Sending entity 1 part: -9223372036854775808, 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -9223372036854775808 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: Received message so far -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-9223372036854775808' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-9223372036854775808' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: **runmethod=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:10: Sending entity 1 part: -9223372036854775808, 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -9223372036854775808 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: Received message so far -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-9223372036854775808' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-9223372036854775808' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: **runmethod=echoLongTest 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoLongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoLongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:11: Sending entity 1 part: -9223372036854775808, 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -9223372036854775808 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: Received message so far -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -9223372036854775808 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-9223372036854775808' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-9223372036854775808' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:12: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoLongTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 23 (23 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 25 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoShortTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:13: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:13: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:13: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoShortTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: **runmethod=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:13: Sending entity 1 part: -32100, 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32100 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: Received message so far -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32100' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32100' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: **runmethod=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:14: Sending entity 1 part: -32100, 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32100 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: Received message so far -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32100' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32100' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: **runmethod=echoShortTest 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoShortTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoShortTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:15: Sending entity 1 part: -32100, 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32100 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: Received message so far -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32100 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32100' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32100' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:16: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoShortTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 24 (24 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 24 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoStringTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:17: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:17: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:17: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t echoStringTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: **runmethod=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:17: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: **runmethod=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:18: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: **runmethod=echoStringTest 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: echoStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: echoStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:19: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:20: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoStringTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 25 (25 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 23 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#floatToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t floatToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: **runmethod=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: floatToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: floatToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:21: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:22: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: **runmethod=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: floatToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: floatToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:23: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: **runmethod=floatToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: floatToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: floatToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/101.101 ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:24: Sending entity 1 part: 1.4E-45, 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 1.4E-45 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: Received message so far 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 1.4E-45101.101 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '1.4E-45101.101' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '1.4E-45101.101' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:24: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:24: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:25: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#floatToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 26 (26 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 22 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#intToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:25: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:25: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:25: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t intToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: **runmethod=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: intToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: intToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:26: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: **runmethod=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: intToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: intToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:27: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:28: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:28: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:28: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: **runmethod=intToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: intToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: intToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 70 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 70 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 71 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 71 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 72 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 72 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 73 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 73 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 74 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 74 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 75 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 75 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 76 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 76 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 77 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 77 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 78 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 78 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 79 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 79 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 80 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 80 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 81 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 81 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 82 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 82 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: On open on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:29: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 83 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: Received message so far 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767100001 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 83 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:30: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#intToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 27 (27 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 21 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#longToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:30: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:30: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:30: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t longToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: **runmethod=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: longToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: longToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:31: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: **runmethod=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: longToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: longToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:32: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:32: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:32: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:33: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: **runmethod=longToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: longToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: longToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768.0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:34: Sending entity 1 part: -32768, 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( -32768 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: Received message so far -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: -32768100001 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '-32768100001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '-32768100001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:35: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#longToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 28 (28 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 20 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthFailsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:35: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:35: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:35: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t maxLengthFailsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthFailsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthFailsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:36: Sending entity 1 part: 123456, 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1009], reason [The message was [6] bytes long but the MessageHandler has a limit of [5] bytes] 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called before a message was received 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:36: Found expected close reason code 1009 05-22-2023 23:35:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthFailsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthFailsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:37: Sending entity 1 part: 123456, 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1009], reason [The message was [6] bytes long but the MessageHandler has a limit of [5] bytes] 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called before a message was received 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:37: Found expected close reason code 1009 05-22-2023 23:35:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthFailsTest 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthFailsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthFailsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:38: Sending entity 1 part: 123456, 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 123456 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1009], reason [The message was [6] bytes long but the MessageHandler has a limit of [5] bytes] 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called before a message was received 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:38: Found expected close reason code 1009 05-22-2023 23:35:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:39: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthFailsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 29 (29 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 19 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthOKTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:39: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:39: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:39: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t maxLengthOKTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthOKTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthOKTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:40: Sending entity 1 part: 12345, 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 12345 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: Received message so far 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '12345' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '12345' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthOKTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthOKTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:41: Sending entity 1 part: 12345, 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 12345 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: Received message so far 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '12345' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '12345' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: **runmethod=maxLengthOKTest 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: maxLengthOKTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: maxLengthOKTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/maxlen 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:42: Sending entity 1 part: 12345, 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 12345 ) 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: Received message so far 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 12345 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '12345' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '12345' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:43: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthOKTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 30 (30 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 18 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:43: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:43: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:43: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteArrayAndSessionTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:44: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=30 cap=30], 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:45: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=30 cap=30], 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysession 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:46: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=30 cap=30], 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:47: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 31 (31 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 17 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:48: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:48: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:48: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysessionpathparam/partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:48: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=43 cap=43], 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysessionpathparam/partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:49: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=43 cap=43], 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraysessionpathparam/partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:50: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=43 cap=43], 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:51: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 32 (32 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 16 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:52: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:52: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:52: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteArrayTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearray 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:52: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=20 cap=20], 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearray 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:53: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=20 cap=20], 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayTest 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearray 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:54: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=20 cap=20], 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteArrayTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:55: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 33 (33 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 15 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:35:56: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:35:56: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:35:56: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraypathparam/partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:56: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=33 cap=33], 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraypathparam/partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:57: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=33 cap=33], 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:35:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:35:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytearraypathparam/partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:35:58: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=33 cap=33], 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:35:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:35:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:35:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:35:59: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 34 (34 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 14 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:00: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:00: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:00: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteBufferAndSessionTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:00: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:00: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=31 cap=31], 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:00: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:01: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:01: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:02: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=31 cap=31], 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:02: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:02: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersession 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:03: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=31 cap=31], 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:03: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:03: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 35 (35 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 13 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:04: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:04: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:04: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:04: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:04: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersessionpathparam/partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:05: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=44 cap=44], 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:05: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:05: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersessionpathparam/partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:06: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=44 cap=44], 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:06: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:06: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffersessionpathparam/partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:07: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=44 cap=44], 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:07: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:07: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:08: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 36 (36 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 12 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:08: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:08: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:08: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteBufferTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:09: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=21 cap=21], 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:09: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:09: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:10: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=21 cap=21], 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:10: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:10: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferTest 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebuffer 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:11: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=21 cap=21], 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialByteBufferTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:11: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:11: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:12: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 37 (37 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 11 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:12: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:12: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:12: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebufferpathparam/partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:13: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=34 cap=34], 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:13: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:13: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebufferpathparam/partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:14: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=34 cap=34], 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:14: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:14: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: **runmethod=partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialbytebufferpathparam/partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:15: Sending entity 2 parts: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=42 cap=42], java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=34 cap=34], 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendBinary( partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest] 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest(true)[partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest]' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:15: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:15: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:16: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 38 (38 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 10 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:16: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:16: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:16: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialStringAndSessionTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:17: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:17: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:17: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:18: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:18: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:18: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:19: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:19: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:19: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:20: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 39 (39 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 9 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:20: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:20: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:20: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsessionpathparam/partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:21: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:21: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:21: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsessionpathparam/partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:22: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:22: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:22: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringsessionpathparam/partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:23: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringAndSessionTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringAndSessionTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringAndSessionTestpartialStringAndSessionTest(true)partialStringAndSessionTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:23: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:23: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:24: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 40 (40 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 8 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:25: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:25: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:25: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialStringTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstring 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:25: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:25: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:25: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstring 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:26: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:26: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:26: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstring 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:27: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true) 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest(true)' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:27: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:27: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:28: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 41 (41 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 7 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:29: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:29: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:29: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t partialStringWithPathParamTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringpathparam/partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:29: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:29: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:29: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringpathparam/partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:30: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:30: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:30: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: **runmethod=partialStringWithPathParamTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: partialStringWithPathParamTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/partialstringpathparam/partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:31: Sending entity 2 parts: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, partialStringTest, 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint , false) 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( partialStringTest , true) 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 2 times 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint(false)partialStringTestpartialStringTest(true)partialStringTest' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 2 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:31: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:31: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:32: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringWithPathParamTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 42 (42 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 6 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#pongToPongTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t pongToPongTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: **runmethod=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: pongToPongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: pongToPongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessage 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@a514af7, 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesession 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@a514af7, 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagepathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@a514af7, 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:33: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesessionpathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:33: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@a514af7, 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:33: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:34: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:34: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: **runmethod=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: pongToPongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: pongToPongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessage 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:35: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@2a266d09, 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesession 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:35: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@2a266d09, 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagepathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:35: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@2a266d09, 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesessionpathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:35: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@2a266d09, 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:35: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:35: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: **runmethod=pongToPongTest 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: pongToPongTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: pongToPongTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessage 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:36: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@40cb8df7, 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesession 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:36: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@40cb8df7, 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagepathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:36: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@40cb8df7, 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/pongmessagesessionpathparam/param 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:36: Sending entity 1 part: com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.common.impl.StringPongMessage@40cb8df7, 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendPong( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointparam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:36: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:36: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#pongToPongTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 43 (43 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 5 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#shortToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:37: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:37: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:37: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t shortToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: **runmethod=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: shortToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: shortToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:37: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:37: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:38: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:38: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:38: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: **runmethod=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: shortToTextsTest_setup ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: shortToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:39: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:39: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:39: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: **runmethod=shortToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: shortToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: shortToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 70 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 70 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 71 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 71 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 72 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 72 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 73 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 73 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 74 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 74 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 75 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 75 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 76 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 76 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 77 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 77 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 78 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 78 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 79 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 79 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767.0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 32767 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '32767' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '32767' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:40: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: On open on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:40: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 80 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:40: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 80 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 81 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 81 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 82 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 82 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 83 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 83 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 84 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 84 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 85 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 85 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 86 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 86 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 87 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 87 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 88 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 88 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 89 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 89 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 90 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 90 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 90 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 91 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 91 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 91 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 92 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 92 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 92 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 93 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 93 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 93 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 94 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 94 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 94 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 95 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 95 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 95 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 96 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 96 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 96 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 97 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 97 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 97 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 98 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 98 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 98 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 99 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 99 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 99 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9a 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/1001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: On open on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:41: Sending entity 1 part: 32767, 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendObject( 32767 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: Received message so far 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 327671001 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '327671001' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '327671001' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9b 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:41: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:41: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#shortToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 44 (44 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 4 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToAllNumbersTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:42: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:42: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:42: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t stringToAllNumbersTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:42: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:42: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:43: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:43: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:43: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 30 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 30 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 30 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 31 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 31 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 31 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 32 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 32 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 32 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 33 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 33 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 33 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 34 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 34 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 34 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 35 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 35 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 35 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 36 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 36 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 36 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 37 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 37 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 37 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 38 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 38 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 38 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 39 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 39 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 39 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 40 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 40 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 40 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 41 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 41 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 41 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 42 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 42 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 42 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 43 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 43 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 43 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 44 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 44 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 44 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 45 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 45 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 45 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 46 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 46 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 46 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 47 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 47 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 47 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 48 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 48 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 48 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 49 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 49 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 49 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 50 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 50 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 50 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 51 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 51 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 51 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 52 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 52 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 52 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 53 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 53 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 53 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 54 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 54 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 54 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 55 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 55 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 55 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 56 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 56 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 56 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 57 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 57 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 57 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 58 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 58 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 58 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 59 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 59 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 59 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5a 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5b 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5c 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5d 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5e 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: On open on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:44: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5f 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:44: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:44: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToAllNumbersTest 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToAllNumbersTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebyte 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: On open on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:45: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 60 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 60 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 60 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshort 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: On open on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:45: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 61 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 61 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 61 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveint 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: On open on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:45: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 62 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 62 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 62 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelong 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: On open on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:45: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 63 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 63 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 63 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedouble 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: On open on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:45: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 64 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 64 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 64 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:45: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:45: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloat 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 65 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 65 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 65 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbyte 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 66 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 66 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 66 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshort 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 67 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 67 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 67 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullint 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 68 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 68 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 68 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllong 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 69 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 69 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 69 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldouble 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloat 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 70 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 70 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 70 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 71 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 71 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 71 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 72 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 72 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 72 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 73 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 73 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 73 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 74 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 74 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 74 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 75 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 75 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 75 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 76 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 76 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 76 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsession 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 77 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127.0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 77 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 77 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 78 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 78 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 78 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 79 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 79 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 79 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 80 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 80 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 80 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 81 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 81 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 81 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublepathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 82 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 82 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 82 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 83 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 83 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 83 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 84 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 84 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 84 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 85 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 85 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 85 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 86 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 86 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 86 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivelongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 87 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 87 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 87 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivedoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 88 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 88 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 88 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivefloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 89 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 89 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 89 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbytesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8a 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullshortsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8b 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullintsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8c 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulllongsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8d 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fulldoublesessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8e 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullfloatsessionpathparam/111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: On open on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:46: Sending entity 1 part: 127, 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( 127 ) 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: Received message so far 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: 127111 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '127111' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '127111' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8f 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:46: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:46: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:47: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToAllNumbersTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 45 (45 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 3 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:47: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:47: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:47: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t stringToBooleanTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:48: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:48: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:48: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:49: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:49: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:49: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToBooleanTest 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToBooleanTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToBooleanTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitiveboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullboolean 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansession 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: true 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'true' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'true' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleanpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivebooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullbooleansessionpathparam/false 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:50: Sending entity 1 part: true, 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( true ) 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: Received message so far truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: truefalse 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'truefalse' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'truefalse' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:50: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:50: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:51: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToBooleanTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 46 (46 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 2 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToCharTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:51: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:51: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:51: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t stringToCharTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:52: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:52: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:52: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:53: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:53: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:53: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToCharTest 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToCharTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToCharTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivechar 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullchar 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &char 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &char 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsession 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far & 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: & 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharpathparam/X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &X 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&X' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&X' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/primitivecharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/fullcharsessionpathparam/y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:54: Sending entity 1 part: &, 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( & ) 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: Received message so far &y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: &y 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: '&y' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: '&y' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:54: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:54: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:55: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToCharTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 47 (47 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 1 ******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@6c126566 amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = :: 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = :: command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:::/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/el-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jaspic-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/jsp-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/taglibs-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/websocket-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-shade-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.1-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dbin.dir=/home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t stringToTextsTest ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "40111" 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 0 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 3 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 3 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 3 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 4 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 4 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 4 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 5 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 5 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 5 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 6 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 6 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 6 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 7 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 7 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 7 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 8 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 8 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 8 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 9 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 9 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 9 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: a 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id a 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: b 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id b 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: c 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id c 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: d 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id d 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: e 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id e 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: On open on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:56: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: f 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id f 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:56: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:56: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 10 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 10 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 10 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 11 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 11 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 11 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 12 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 12 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 12 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 13 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 13 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 13 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 14 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 14 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 14 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 15 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 15 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 15 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 16 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 16 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 16 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 17 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 17 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 17 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 18 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 18 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 18 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 19 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 19 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 19 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1a 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: On open on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:57: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1b 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:57: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:57: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: On open on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:58: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1c 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: On open on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:58: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1d 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: On open on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:58: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1e 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: On open on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:58: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 1f 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 1f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:58: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:58: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.websocket.ee.jakarta.websocket.websocketmessage.WSClient 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: **runmethod=stringToTextsTest 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: stringToTextsTest_setup 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: stringToTextsTest_cleanup 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: setup method WebSocketCommonClient 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test setup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/string 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 20 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 20 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 20 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/reader 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 21 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 21 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 21 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 22 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 22 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 22 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoder 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 23 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 23 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 23 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsession 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 24 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 24 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 24 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersession 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 25 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 25 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 25 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 26 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 26 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 26 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersession 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 27 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpoint' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 27 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 27 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 28 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 28 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 28 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readerpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 29 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 29 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 29 reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2a 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2a reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecoderpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2b 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2b reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/stringsessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2c 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2c reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message ... Output overflow: JT Harness has limited the test output to the text to that at the beginning and the end, so that you can see how the test began, and how it completed. If you need to see more of the output from the test, set the system property javatest.maxOutputSize to a higher value. The current value is 100000 ... 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/readersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2d 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2d reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2e 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2e reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] invoke 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] EXECUTING 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Reseting callback and message 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] A new test case has been created 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] setTestProperties 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connecting to ws://localhost:37697/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web/textstreamdecodersessionpathparam/StringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: On open on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RequestUri: NULL 05-22-2023 23:36:59: Sending entity 1 part: Echo message to be sent to server endpoint, 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: RemoteEndpoint.Basic.sendText( Echo message to be sent to server endpoint ) 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Connection session id: 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] Setting CountDownLatch to 5 seconds, should be hit 1 times 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: Received message so far Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch hit 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Response: Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Scanning response for search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' starting at index location: 0 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Found search string: 'Echo message to be sent to server endpointStringParam' at index '0' in the server's response 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] CountDownLatch has been hit 1 times as expected 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] session.close() on session id 2f 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] On close on session id 2f reason CloseReason: code [1000], reason [] 05-22-2023 23:36:59: TRACE: [WebSocketCommonClient] onClose has been called 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:36:59: [WebSocketCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 05-22-2023 23:37:00: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToTextsTest ******************************************************************************** Number of tests completed: 48 (48 passed, 0 failed, 0 with errors) Number of tests remaining: 0 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - Undeploying apps... 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - Deployed Modules: Undeployed apps from - /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage Successfully removed JMS connection factories from server 1. Successfully removed JMS connection factories from server 2. ******************************************************************************** Completed running 48 tests. Number of Tests Passed = 48 Number of Tests Failed = 0 Number of Tests with Errors = 0 ******************************************************************************** PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#booleanToBooleanWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBinaryTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteBufferToBytesTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#byteToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#charToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#defaultMaxLengthTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#doubleToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoBooleanTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteBufferTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoByteTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoCharTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoDoubleTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFloatTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullBooleanTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullByteTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullCharTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullDoubleTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullFloatTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullIntTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullLongTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoFullShortTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoIntTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoLongTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoShortTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#echoStringTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#floatToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#intToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#longToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthFailsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#maxLengthOKTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayAndSessionWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteArrayWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferAndSessionWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialByteBufferWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringAndSessionWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#partialStringWithPathParamTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#pongToPongTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#shortToTextsTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToAllNumbersTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToBooleanTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToCharTest PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/WSClient.java#stringToTextsTest May 22, 2023, 11:37:00 PM Finished executing all tests, wait for cleanup... May 22, 2023, 11:37:00 PM Harness done with cleanup from test run. Total time = 212s Setup time = 0s Cleanup time = 0s Test results: passed: 48 Results written to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2545249999681860568dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tck-work. 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - IN SHUTDOWNHOOK state file is : "/tmp/ts-deployed-modules_1.ser" 05-22-2023 23:37:00: Harness - Deployed Modules: 22-May-2023 23:37:00.560 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping the Server instance. 22-May-2023 23:37:00.561 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-37697"] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.564 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Pausing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46865"] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.566 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping service [Catalina] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.580 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.destroyApplication Undeploying app: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/jakarta/websocket/websocketmessage/ws_ee_websocketmessage_web 22-May-2023 23:37:00.665 WARNING [main] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [ws_ee_websocketmessage_web] appears to have started a thread named [PoolIdleReleaseTimer] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread: java.base@17/java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.base@17/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:563) java.base@17/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 22-May-2023 23:37:00.674 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-37697"] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.681 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Stopping ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46865"] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.690 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.server.SimpleServiceManager.stop Stopping server services 22-May-2023 23:37:00.811 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.destroyApplication Undeploying app: openejb 22-May-2023 23:37:00.813 SEVERE [main] org.apache.openejb.core.singleton.SingletonInstanceManager.undeploy Unable to unregister MBean openejb.management:J2EEServer=openejb,J2EEApplication=,EJBModule=openejb,SingletonSessionBean=openejb/Deployer,name=openejb/Deployer,j2eeType=Invocations 22-May-2023 23:37:00.820 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB 22-May-2023 23:37:00.826 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB1 22-May-2023 23:37:00.830 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB1Unmanaged 22-May-2023 23:37:00.833 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/DB_no_tx 22-May-2023 23:37:00.836 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: jdbc/securityAPIDB 22-May-2023 23:37:00.840 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Closing DataSource: Default Unmanaged JDBC Database 22-May-2023 23:37:00.843 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler.doResourceDestruction Stopping ResourceAdapter: Default JMS Resource Adapter 22-May-2023 23:37:00.843 INFO [main] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQResourceAdapter.stop Stopping ActiveMQ 22-May-2023 23:37:00.851 INFO [ActiveMQResourceAdapter stop] org.apache.openejb.resource.activemq.ActiveMQResourceAdapter.stopImpl Stopped ActiveMQ broker 22-May-2023 23:37:00.856 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-37697"] 22-May-2023 23:37:00.857 INFO [main] jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke Destroying ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-46865"]