runtests -Dopenejb.groupId=org.apache.tomee -Dopenejb.version=9.0-SNAPSHOT -Dtomee.version=9.0-SNAPSHOT --ee91 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 --source /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/ec2jdk17 --env -nc -c -U -w tomee-plume -j >>> config => -DassemblyId=tomee-plume -Djavaee.level=web-profile -Dwebcontainer=tomee-plume -Dsql=active declare -x ANT_HOME="/home/ec2-user/ant" declare -x EC2_CERT="/home/ec2-user/.ec2/cert-BUVZHSPNGLQ7TXSUMRLIMGDI6KQS3BPE.pem" declare -x EC2_PRIVATE_KEY="/home/ec2-user/.ec2/pk-BUVZHSPNGLQ7TXSUMRLIMGDI6KQS3BPE.pem" declare -x EDITOR="mcedit" declare -x HISTCONTROL="ignoredups" declare -x HISTSIZE="1000" declare -x HOME="/home/ec2-user" declare -x HOSTNAME="ip-172-31-95-97.ec2.internal" declare -x JAVA_HOME="/home/ec2-user/jdk11" declare -x JDK_HOME="/home/ec2-user/jdk-17" declare -x JRE_HOME="/home/ec2-user/jdk-17" declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8" declare -x LESSOPEN="||/usr/bin/ %s" declare -x LOGNAME="ec2-user" declare -x M2_HOME="/home/ec2-user/maven" declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/ec2-user" declare -x MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS=" --settings settings-noproxy.xml -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 -X tomee:start -P AmazonEC2-OSS" declare -x MAVEN_HOME="/home/ec2-user/maven" declare -x MAVEN_OPTS=" " declare -x MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR="/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node" declare -x OLDPWD declare -x PATH="/home/ec2-user/jdk11/bin:/home/ec2-user/ant/bin:/home/ec2-user/jdk8/bin:/home/ec2-user/maven/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/ec2-user/.local/bin:/home/ec2-user/bin:/home/ec2-user/bin" declare -x PWD="/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189" declare -x SHELL="/bin/sh" declare -x SHLVL="5" declare -x USER="ec2-user" declare -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" declare -x XDG_SESSION_ID="1" declare -x skip="-DskipTests -DfailIfNoTests=false" Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555; 2019-04-04T19:00:29Z) Maven home: /home/ec2-user/maven Java version: 11.0.10, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "4.14.225-169.362.amzn2.aarch64", arch: "aarch64", family: "unix" [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] -------------------< org.apache.tomee.cts:tomee-tck >------------------- [INFO] Building TomEE TCK Harness 9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 8.8 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (604 B at 55 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (608 B at 41 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (789 B at 61 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (792 B at 66 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (611 B at 44 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (603 B at 29 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (780 B at 65 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (783 B at 56 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (786 B at 79 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (780 B at 65 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (790 B at 72 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (993 B at 90 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (599 B at 50 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (1.0 kB at 72 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (783 B at 36 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (601 B at 67 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (1.0 kB at 112 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 71 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (600 B at 46 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (994 B at 71 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 78 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (783 B at 87 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 78 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (779 B at 87 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (783 B at 87 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 56 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (781 B at 78 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (783 B at 65 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (785 B at 71 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (2.5 kB at 168 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from internal-repository: [INFO] Downloaded from internal-repository: (779 B at 111 kB/s) [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Deleting /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target [INFO] [INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.5:execute (validate-environment) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Validating TCK environment... [INFO] Require property: cts.home [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Using cts.home: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739 [INFO] Require property: ri.home [INFO] Get property: ri.home=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish [INFO] Using ri.home: /home/ec2-user/glassfish6-nightly-20201029/glassfish [INFO] *********************************************************************************** *** TCK bundle information *** *** Name: *** *** Bundle Copied to URL: *** *** Date and size: date: 2021-04-20 17:39:04.000000000 +0000, size(b): 568068362 *** *** SHA256SUM: 16904b7ccd7ae61287b763587e8bfbff50608ab09f3876bb41af65d043263ca7 *** *** *** *********************************************************************************** [INFO] TCK SHA-256 16904b7ccd7ae61287b763587e8bfbff50608ab09f3876bb41af65d043263ca7 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile (default-compile) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 19 source files to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/classes [INFO] /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/cts/deploy/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [INFO] /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/cts/deploy/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/cts/deploy/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/cts/deploy/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Not copying test resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Not compiling test sources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Building jar: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:reserve-network-port (reserve-network-port) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Reserved port 35285 for webcontainer.default.port [INFO] Reserved port 33677 for webcontainer.default.ssl.port [INFO] Reserved port 32883 for webcontainer.default.clientcert.port [INFO] Reserved port 34207 for webcontainer.default.shutdown.port [INFO] Reserved port 33815 for derby.server.port [INFO] Reserved port 38773 for ldap.server.port [INFO] Reserved port 44855 for harness.log.port [INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (start-database) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (start-greenmail) @ tomee-tck --- Starting embedded Derby database on port 33815 [INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (start-ldap) @ tomee-tck --- Starting greenmail with imap port 143 and smtp port 25 [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.1:unpack (unpack) @ tomee-tck --- Starting LDAP server with file src/test/ldap/ldap.ldif and port 11389 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/ec2-user/repository/com/icegreen/greenmail-standalone/1.6.9/greenmail-standalone-1.6.9.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/ec2-user/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-reload4j/1.7.36/slf4j-reload4j-1.7.36.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/ec2-user/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-jdk14/1.7.36/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.36.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Reload4jLoggerFactory] 2023-10-10 13:25:02,028 INFO GreenMailStandaloneRunner| Starting GreenMail standalone v1.6.9 using [ServerSetup{port=3025, bindAddress='', protocol='smtp', readTimeout=-1, connectionTimeout=-1, writeTimeout=-1, serverStartupTimeout=2000, verbose=true}, ServerSetup{port=3143, bindAddress='', protocol='imap', readTimeout=-1, connectionTimeout=-1, writeTimeout=-1, serverStartupTimeout=2000, verbose=true}] [INFO] Configured Artifact: org.apache.tomee:apache-tomee:plume:9.1.1-SNAPSHOT:zip [INFO] Unpacking /home/ec2-user/repository/org/apache/tomee/apache-tomee/9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/ to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target with includes "" and excludes "" [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.1:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Copying hawtbuf-1.11.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/hawtbuf-1.11.jar [INFO] Copying geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar [INFO] Copying activemq-client-5.18.1.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.18.1.jar [INFO] Copying tsharness.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/tsharness-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying tssv.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/tssv-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying cts.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying whitebox.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/whitebox-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying dbprocedures.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying derby- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derby- [INFO] Copying derbyclient- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derbyclient- [INFO] Copying derbynet- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derbynet- [INFO] Copying derbyshared- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derbyshared- [INFO] Copying derbytools- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib/derbytools- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.1:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies-tomee-lib) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Copying tsharness.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/tsharness-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying tssv.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/tssv-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying cts.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/cts-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying whitebox.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/whitebox-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying dbprocedures.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar [INFO] Copying openejb-derbynet-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-derbynet-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying derby- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/derby- [INFO] Copying derbyclient- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/derbyclient- [INFO] Copying derbynet- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/derbynet- [INFO] Copying derbyshared- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/derbyshared- [INFO] Copying derbytools- to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib/derbytools- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (copy-tomee-libs-to-tck-javatest) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Executing tasks main: [copy] Copying 73 files to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib [copy] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/lib [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (remove-apps-and-copy-libs-from-tck) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Executing tasks main: [delete] Deleting directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/webapps/ROOT [delete] Deleting directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/webapps/docs [delete] Deleting directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/webapps/manager [delete] Deleting directory /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/webapps/host-manager [INFO] Executed tasks [INFO] [INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.5:execute (setup-environment) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Setting up TCK environment... [INFO] Require property: openejb.home [INFO] Get property: openejb.home=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Get property: openejb.home=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Get property: ri.home=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: webcontainer.default.port=35285 [INFO] Require property: tck.version [INFO] Get property: tck.version=9.1 [INFO] TCK pom version: 9.1 [INFO] Start - Container libraries [INFO] - activemq-broker-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - activemq-client-jakarta-5.18.1.jar [INFO] - activemq-jdbc-store-5.18.1.jar [INFO] - activemq-kahadb-store-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - activemq-protobuf-1.1.jar [INFO] - activemq-ra-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - asm-9.5.jar [INFO] - batchee-jbatch-1.0.2-jakarta.jar [INFO] - bcpkix-jdk15to18-1.76.jar [INFO] - bcprov-jdk15to18-1.76.jar [INFO] - bcutil-jdk15to18-1.76.jar [INFO] - bval-jsr-2.0.6-jakarta.jar [INFO] - catalina-ant.jar [INFO] - catalina-ha.jar [INFO] - catalina-ssi.jar [INFO] - catalina-storeconfig.jar [INFO] - catalina-tribes.jar [INFO] - catalina.jar [INFO] - churchkey-1.22.jar [INFO] - commons-beanutils-1.9.4.jar [INFO] - commons-cli-1.5.0.jar [INFO] - commons-codec-1.15.jar [INFO] - commons-collections-3.2.2.jar [INFO] - commons-dbcp2-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - commons-jcs-core-2.1.jar [INFO] - commons-jcs-jcache-2.1.jar [INFO] - commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar [INFO] - commons-logging-1.2.jar [INFO] - commons-pool2-2.11.1.jar [INFO] - cryptacular-1.2.5.jar [INFO] - cts-9.1.jar [INFO] - cxf-core-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-bindings-soap-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-bindings-xml-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-frontend-simple-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-management-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-rs-client-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-rs-mp-client-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-rs-service-description-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-rs-sse-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-security-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-security-saml-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-transports-http-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-ws-addr-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-ws-policy-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-ws-security-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - cxf-rt-wsdl-4.0.3.jar [INFO] - dbprocedures-9.1.jar [INFO] - derby- [INFO] - derbyclient- [INFO] - derbynet- [INFO] - derbyshared- [INFO] - derbytools- [INFO] - ecj-4.20.jar [INFO] - eclipselink-3.0.3.jar [INFO] - el-api.jar [INFO] - geronimo-connector-3.1.5-jakarta.jar [INFO] - geronimo-jcache_1.0_spec-1.0-alpha-1.jar [INFO] - geronimo-mail_2.1_provider-1.0.0.jar [INFO] - geronimo-mail_2.1_spec-1.0.0-M1.jar [INFO] - geronimo-transaction-3.1.5-jakarta.jar [INFO] - hawtbuf-1.11.jar [INFO] - howl-1.0.1-1.jar [INFO] - hsqldb-2.7.2.jar [INFO] - istack-commons-runtime-4.0.1.jar [INFO] - jackson-annotations-2.15.2.jar [INFO] - jackson-core-2.15.2.jar [INFO] - jackson-databind-2.15.2.jar [INFO] - jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.15.2.jar [INFO] - jakarta.activation-1.2.1.jar [INFO] - jakarta.faces-3.0.2.jar [INFO] - jakarta.json-2.0.1.jar [INFO] - jakartaee-api-9.1.1-tomcat.jar [INFO] - jakartaee-migration-1.0.4-shaded.jar [INFO] - jandex-3.0.1.jar [INFO] - jasper-el.jar [INFO] - jasper.jar [INFO] - jaspic-api.jar [INFO] - jasypt-1.9.3.jar [INFO] - java-support-8.3.1.jar [INFO] - javax.activation-api-1.2.0.jar [INFO] - jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar [INFO] - jaxb-core-3.0.2.jar [INFO] - jaxb-impl-2.3.4.jar [INFO] - jaxb-runtime-3.0.2.jar [INFO] - jboss-logging-3.5.0.Final.jar [INFO] - johnzon-core-1.2.21-jakarta.jar [INFO] - johnzon-jaxrs-1.2.21-jakarta.jar [INFO] - johnzon-jsonb-1.2.21-jakarta.jar [INFO] - johnzon-jsonp-strict-1.2.21-jakarta.jar [INFO] - johnzon-mapper-1.2.21-jakarta.jar [INFO] - jose4j-0.9.3.jar [INFO] - jsp-api.jar [INFO] - mbean-annotation-api-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - microprofile-config-api-3.0.3.jar [INFO] - microprofile-fault-tolerance-api-4.0.2.jar [INFO] - microprofile-health-api-4.0.1.jar [INFO] - microprofile-jwt-auth-api-2.0.jar [INFO] - microprofile-metrics-api-4.0.1.jar [INFO] - microprofile-openapi-api-3.0.jar [INFO] - microprofile-opentracing-api-3.0.jar [INFO] - microprofile-rest-client-api-3.0.1.jar [INFO] - mp-common-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - mp-jwt-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - mutiny-1.8.0.jar [INFO] - neethi-3.0.3.jar [INFO] - openejb-api-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-client-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-core-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-core-eclipselink-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-cxf-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-cxf-rs-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-cxf-transport-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-derbynet-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-ejbd-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-hsql-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-http-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-javaagent.jar [INFO] - openejb-jee-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-jee-accessors-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-jpa-integration-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-loader-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-rest-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-server-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openejb-webservices-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - openjpa-3.2.2-jakarta.jar [INFO] - opensaml-core-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-profile-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-saml-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-saml-impl-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-security-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-security-impl-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-soap-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xacml-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xacml-impl-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xacml-saml-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xacml-saml-impl-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xmlsec-api-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opensaml-xmlsec-impl-4.2.0.jar [INFO] - opentracing-api-0.33.0.jar [INFO] - opentracing-concurrent-0.4.0.jar [INFO] - opentracing-noop-0.33.0.jar [INFO] - opentracing-util-0.33.0.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-ee-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-ee-common-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-ejb-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-el22-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-impl-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-jsf-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-spi-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - openwebbeans-web-2.0.27-jakarta.jar [INFO] - quartz-openejb-shade-2.2.4.jar [INFO] - reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar [INFO] - saaj-impl-2.0.1.jar [INFO] - serp-1.15.1.jar [INFO] - servicemix-bcel-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - servlet-api.jar [INFO] - slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar [INFO] - slf4j-jdk14-1.7.36.jar [INFO] - smallrye-common-annotation-2.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-common-classloader-2.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-common-constraint-2.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-common-expression-2.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-common-function-2.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-config-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-config-common-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-config-core-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-fault-tolerance-6.2.2.jar [INFO] - smallrye-fault-tolerance-api-6.2.2.jar [INFO] - smallrye-fault-tolerance-autoconfig-core-6.2.2.jar [INFO] - smallrye-fault-tolerance-core-6.2.2.jar [INFO] - smallrye-health-4.0.1.jar [INFO] - smallrye-health-api-4.0.1.jar [INFO] - smallrye-metrics-4.0.0.jar [INFO] - smallrye-open-api-core-3.0.1.jar [INFO] - smallrye-open-api-jaxrs-3.0.1.jar [INFO] - smallrye-opentracing-3.0.3.jar [INFO] - smallrye-opentracing-contrib-3.0.3.jar [INFO] - snakeyaml-2.0.jar [INFO] - stax-ex-2.0.1.jar [INFO] - stax2-api-4.2.1.jar [INFO] - swizzle-stream-1.6.2.jar [INFO] - sxc-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - taglibs-shade-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomcat-api.jar [INFO] - tomcat-coyote.jar [INFO] - tomcat-dbcp.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-cs.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-de.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-es.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-fr.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-ja.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-ko.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-pt-BR.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-ru.jar [INFO] - tomcat-i18n-zh-CN.jar [INFO] - tomcat-jdbc.jar [INFO] - tomcat-jni.jar [INFO] - tomcat-util-scan.jar [INFO] - tomcat-util.jar [INFO] - tomcat-websocket.jar [INFO] - tomee-catalina-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-common-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-config-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-jaxrs-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-jdbc-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-loader-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-mojarra-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-plume-webapp-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-security-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tomee-webservices-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] - tsharness-9.1.jar [INFO] - tssv-9.1.jar [INFO] - txw2-3.0.2.jar [INFO] - websocket-api.jar [INFO] - whitebox-9.1.jar [INFO] - woodstox-core-6.4.0.jar [INFO] - wsdl4j-1.6.3.jar [INFO] - wss4j-bindings-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - wss4j-policy-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - wss4j-ws-security-common-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - wss4j-ws-security-dom-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - wss4j-ws-security-policy-stax-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - wss4j-ws-security-stax-3.0.0.jar [INFO] - xbean-asm9-shaded-4.23.jar [INFO] - xbean-bundleutils-4.23.jar [INFO] - xbean-finder-shaded-4.23.jar [INFO] - xbean-naming-4.23.jar [INFO] - xbean-reflect-4.23.jar [INFO] - xml-resolver-1.2.jar [INFO] - xmlschema-core-2.3.1.jar [INFO] - xmlsec-3.0.1.jar [INFO] - yoko-osgi-1.4.jar [INFO] - yoko-rmi-impl-1.4.jar [INFO] - yoko-rmi-spec-1.4.jar [INFO] - yoko-spec-corba-1.4.jar [INFO] End - Container libraries [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Created dir: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/apps [INFO] Require property: cts.home [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Get property: options=null [INFO] Setting javaee.level=full [INFO] Setting bin.dir to /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target [INFO] Require property: cts.home [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/bin [INFO] Get property: jaxrs=true [INFO] generating jaxrs tck dist artifacts based on vi setting [INFO] Require property: cts.home [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Executing 'tsant' goals: [update.jaxrs.wars] [INFO] Buildfile: /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/build.xml [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] Trying to override old definition of datatype string [INFO] [INFO] update.jaxrs.wars: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] pre.deploy: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] check.web.xml: [INFO] [INFO] update_servlet_adaptor: [INFO] [echo] >>> Servlet adaptor class [INFO] [replace] Replaced 0 occurrences in 0 files. [INFO] [echo] ts.home = /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin/xml/../.. [INFO] [echo] In a bundle [INFO] [echo] The deliverable currently in use is /home/ec2-user/jakartaeetck-9.1.0-2021-04-20.1739/bin. [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] updatewar: [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] copywar: [INFO] [INFO] all_action: [INFO] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL [INFO] Total time: 16 seconds [INFO] Copying 17 files to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/lib [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/conf [INFO] Copying 1 file to /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/conf [INFO] Get property: connector=null [INFO] Get property: reset.persistence=null [INFO] DML already processed for Derby [INFO] Get property: logOutputDirectory=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/logs [INFO] Get property: backupLogs=true [INFO] Created dir: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/logs [INFO] [INFO] --- sql-maven-plugin:1.5:execute (create-schema) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.1334721778sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: drop table concurrencetable [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CONCURRENCETABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EJB_AUTOCLOSE_TAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EJB_AUTOCLOSE_TAB' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE caller [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CALLER' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE caller_groups [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CALLER_GROUPS' because it does not exist. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.cmp.798846401sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE PHONEEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_ADDRESSEJB_ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PHONEEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ORDEREJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK4_FOR_CUSTOMEREJ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ORDEREJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ORDEREJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK0_FOR_LINEITEMEJ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ORDEREJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_ALIASEJB_TA [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE LINEITEMEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK1_FOR_ORDEREJB_T [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LINEITEMEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE LINEITEMEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_PRODUCTEJB_ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LINEITEMEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE SPOUSEEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK_INFOEJBTAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'SPOUSEEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE SPOUSEEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK7_CUSTOMEREJBTAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'SPOUSEEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE INFOEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK_SPOUSEEJBTAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INFOEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE COMPLEXPK_TABLE1 DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_LINEITEMS [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMPLEXPK_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE COMPLEXPK_LINEITEM_TABLE1 DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_ID [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMPLEXPK_LINEITEM_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP DROP CONSTRAINT FK2_ALIASEJBTAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP DROP CONSTRAINT FK8_CUSTOMEREJBTAB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_CUSTOMEREJB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ALIASEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK1_FOR_CUSTOMEREJ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ALIASEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE ALIASEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK2_FOR_CUSTOMEREJ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ALIASEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE CREDITCARDEJB_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK3_FOR_CUSTOMEREJ [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CREDITCARDEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COMMON_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMMON_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COMMON_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMMON_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COMMON_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMMON_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE LOCALACCESSTEST_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LOCALACCESSTEST_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EBACCESSTEST_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EBACCESSTEST_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE ENTITY_BEAN_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ENTITY_BEAN_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE PHONEEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PHONEEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE ADDRESSEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ADDRESSEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CUSTOMEREJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CUSTOMEREJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE ALIASEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ALIASEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_FOR_ALIAS_CUSTOMER' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'FKS_ALIASNOOP_CUSTNOOP' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CREDITCARDEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CREDITCARDEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE ORDEREJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'ORDEREJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE PRODUCTEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PRODUCTEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table INFOEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INFOEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table SPOUSEEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'SPOUSEEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE LINEITEMEJB_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LINEITEMEJB_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table COMPLEXPK_LINEITEM_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMPLEXPK_LINEITEM_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COMPLEXPK_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMPLEXPK_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_ENTITYCMP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_ENTITYCMP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table CMP20_ENTITY_CTX_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_ENTITY_CTX_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_HANDLE_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_HANDLE_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_HOMEM_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_HOMEM_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE UNKNOWNPK_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'UNKNOWNPK_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_COMPLEXPK_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_COMPLEXPK_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE LRAPITEST_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LRAPITEST_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE LRAPITEST_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LRAPITEST_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE LRAPITEST_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'LRAPITEST_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COMPAT_ENTITYCMP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COMPAT_ENTITYCMP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TX_NOT_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TX_NOT_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TX_NOT_TABLE4 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TX_NOT_TABLE4' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP11PK_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP11PK_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP11PK_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP11PK_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP11PK_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP11PK_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP11PK_TABLE4 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP11PK_TABLE4' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE4 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_DEP_PKEY_TABLE4' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TABLER5_DELETE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TABLER5_DELETE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TABLER7_DELETE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TABLER7_DELETE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TABLER6_DELETE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TABLER6_DELETE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECP_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECP_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECP_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECP_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECR_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECR_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECR_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECR_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_LSECR_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_LSECR_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SEC_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SEC_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SEC_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SEC_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECP_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECP_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECP_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECP_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SEC_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SEC_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SEC_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SEC_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECP_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECP_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECP_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECP_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_SECRASP_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECRASP_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECRASP_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECRASP_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECRASP_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CMP_SECRASP_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP_SECRASP_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table TIMER_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TIMER_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table TIMER_FLAGSTORE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TIMER_FLAGSTORE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP table CMP20_JACC_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CMP20_JACC_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EMPLOYEEEJB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMPLOYEEEJB' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE DEPARTMENTEJB [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DEPARTMENTEJB' because it does not exist. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.interop.1051121246sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE1 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE1' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE4 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE4' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE5 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE5' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE6 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE6' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE7 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE7' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE52 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE52' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE8 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE8' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE53 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE53' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE10 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE10' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE11 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE11' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE12 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE12' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE13 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE13' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE14 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE14' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE15 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE15' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE16 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE16' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE17 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE17' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE18 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE18' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE19 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE19' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE20 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE20' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE21 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE21' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE22 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE22' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE23 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE23' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE24 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE24' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE25 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE25' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE26 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE26' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE27 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE27' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE28 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE28' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE29 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE29' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE30 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE30' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE31 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE31' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE32 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE32' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE33 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE33' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE34 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE34' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE35 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE35' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE36 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE36' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE37 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE37' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE38 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE38' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE39 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE39' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE40 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE40' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE41 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE41' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE42 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE42' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE43 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE43' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE44 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE44' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE45 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE45' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE46 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE46' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE47 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE47' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE48 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE48' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE49 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE49' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE50 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_CSIV2_TABLE50' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE INTEROP_COSNAMINGNOSSL_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'INTEROP_COSNAMINGNOSSL_TABLE' because it does not exist. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.jacc.1910904737sql [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.jstl.2085308471sql [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.persistence.sprocs.1853492162sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpOneFirstNameFromOut [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPONEFIRSTNAMEFROMOUT' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpFirstNameFromOut [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPFIRSTNAMEFROMOUT' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpLastNameFromInOut [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPLASTNAMEFROMINOUT' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpASCFromRS [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPASCFROMRS' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpIdFNameLNameFromRS [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPIDFNAMELNAMEFROMRS' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE GetEmpIdUsingHireDateFromOut [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'GETEMPIDUSINGHIREDATEFROMOUT' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE UpdateEmpSalaryColumn [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'UPDATEEMPSALARYCOLUMN' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP PROCEDURE DeleteAllEmp [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP PROCEDURE' cannot be performed on 'DELETEALLEMP' because it does not exist. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.persistence.76373977sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE EMP_MAPKEYCOL DROP CONSTRAINT FK_DEPT3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ALTER TABLE failed. There is no constraint 'CTS.FK_DEPT3' on table '"CTS"."EMP_MAPKEYCOL"'. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE EMP_MAPKEYCOL DROP CONSTRAINT FK_DEPT4 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ALTER TABLE failed. There is no constraint 'CTS.FK_DEPT4' on table '"CTS"."EMP_MAPKEYCOL"'. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE EMP_MAPKEYCOL2 DROP CONSTRAINT FK_DEPT5 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMP_MAPKEYCOL2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE PHONES DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_PHONES [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PHONES' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE EMPLOYEES DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_EMPLOYEES [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMPLOYEES' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE CUST_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'CUST_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE PHONES [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PHONES' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EMPLOYEES [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMPLOYEES' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TRIM_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'TRIM_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE PRODUCT_TABLE_DISCRIMINATOR [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'PRODUCT_TABLE_DISCRIMINATOR' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE DEPARTMENT2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DEPARTMENT2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE DATES_TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT FK_FOR_DATES_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DATES_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE DATES_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DATES_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE DATE_TABLE [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DATE_TABLE' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE DATATYPES3 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'DATATYPES3' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE DID4BMEDICALHISTORY DROP CONSTRAINT DD4BMDCLHSTPTNTSSN [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ALTER TABLE failed. There is no constraint 'CTS.DD4BMDCLHSTPTNTSSN' on table '"CTS"."DID4BMEDICALHISTORY"'. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE DID5BMEDICALHISTORY DROP CONSTRAINT DD5BMDCLHSTRYLSTNM [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ALTER TABLE failed. There is no constraint 'CTS.DD5BMDCLHSTRYLSTNM' on table '"CTS"."DID5BMEDICALHISTORY"'. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EMP_MAPKEYCOL2 [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMP_MAPKEYCOL2' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE COLTAB_EMP_EMBEDED_ADDRESS DROP CONSTRAINT FK_EMPEMBADDRID [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'ALTER TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COLTAB_EMP_EMBEDED_ADDRESS' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE COLTAB_EMP_EMBEDED_ADDRESS [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'COLTAB_EMP_EMBEDED_ADDRESS' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE_EMBEDED_ADDRESS [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'EMPLOYEE_EMBEDED_ADDRESS' because it does not exist. [ERROR] Failed to execute: DROP SEQUENCE SEQGENERATOR RESTRICT [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP SEQGENERATOR' cannot be performed on 'SEQGENERATOR' because it does not exist. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.securityapi.51843496sql [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.ddl.sprocs.1824719666sql [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.dml.1217463412sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: # @(#)ctssql.dml.derby 1.16 01/06/20 #------------------------------------------------- #All sql DML statements used in the test cases against derby #------------------------------------------------- Dbschema_Tab1_Insert=insert into ctstable2 values(?, ?, ?, ?) Dbschema_Tab2_Insert=insert into ctstable1 values(?, ?) Dbschema_Tab1_Delete=delete from ctstable2 Dbschema_Tab2_Delete=delete from ctstable1 #****************************************************************** # SQL Statements for creating procedures in side the test. #****************************************************************** UpdCoffee_Proc=create method alias UpdCoffee_Proc for com.sun.ts.lib.tests.jdbc.CS_Procs.UpdCoffee_Proc #****************************************************************** # SQL Statements for deleting tables for appropriate JDBC Datatypes #****************************************************************** Numeric_Tab_Delete=delete from Numeric_Tab Decimal_Tab_Delete=delete from Decimal_Tab Double_Tab_Delete=delete from Double_Tab Float_Tab_Delete=delete from Float_Tab Real_Tab_Delete=delete from Real_Tab Bit_Tab_Delete=delete from Bit_Tab Smallint_Tab_Delete=delete from Smallint_Tab Tinyint_Tab_Delete=delete from Tinyint_Tab Integer_Tab_Delete=delete from Integer_Tab Bigint_Tab_Delete=delete from Bigint_Tab Char_Tab_Delete=delete from Char_Tab Varchar_Tab_Delete=delete from Varchar_Tab Longvarchar_Tab_Delete=delete from Longvarchar_Tab Longvarcharnull_Tab_Delete=delete from Longvarcharnull_Tab Date_Tab_Delete=delete from Date_Tab Time_Tab_Delete=delete from Time_Tab Timestamp_Tab_Delete=delete from Timestamp_Tab Binary_Tab_Delete=delete from Binary_Tab Varbinary_Tab_Delete=delete from Varbinary_Tab Longvarbinary_Tab_Delete=delete from Longvarbinary_Tab #**************************************************** # SQL Statements for inserting values into the tables #**************************************************** Numeric_Tab_Insert=insert into Numeric_Tab values(999999999999999,0.000000000000001, null) Decimal_Tab_Insert= insert into Decimal_Tab values(999999999999999,0.000000000000001, null) #Double_Tab_Insert=insert into Double_Tab values(1.7976931348623157E308,4.9E-324,null) Double_Tab_Insert=insert into Double_Tab values(1.0E125,1.0E-130,null) Float_Tab_Insert=insert into Float_Tab values(3.4028235E37,1.4E-45,null) Real_Tab_Insert= insert into Real_Tab values(3.402E38,1.4E-37, null) Bit_Tab_Insert=insert into Bit_Tab values(true,false,null) Smallint_Tab_Insert= insert into Smallint_Tab values(32767,-32768,null) Tinyint_Tab_Insert=insert into Tinyint_Tab values(127,0,null) Integer_Tab_Insert=insert into Integer_Tab values(2147483647,-2147483648,null) Bigint_Tab_Insert= insert into Bigint_Tab values(9223372036854775807,-9223372036854775808,null) Char_Tab_Insert= insert into Char_Tab values('Test Coffee', null) Varchar_Tab_Insert= insert into Varchar_Tab values('Test Coffee',null) Longvarchar_Tab_Insert= insert into Longvarchar_Tab values('Test Coffee') Longvarcharnull_Tab_Insert= insert into Longvarcharnull_Tab values(null) Date_Tab_Insert=insert into Date_Tab values({d '1999-05-05'}, null) Time_Tab_Insert= insert into Time_Tab values({t '12:59:59'}, null) Timestamp_Tab_Insert= insert into Timestamp_Tab values({ts '1999-12-31 12:59:59'}, null) Binary_Tab_Insert= insert into Binary_Tab values(null) Varbinary_Tab_Insert= insert into Varbinary_Tab values(null) Longvarbinary_Tab_Insert= insert into Longvarbinary_Tab values(null) Boolean_Tab_Insert = insert into Boolean_Tab values(true,false,null) #***************************************************** # SQL Statements for retrieving values from the tables #***************************************************** SelCoffeeAll=SELECT COF_NAME, PRICE FROM ctstable2 SelCoffeeNull=select * from ctstable2 where TYPE_ID=0 Numeric_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Numeric_Tab Numeric_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Numeric_Tab Numeric_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Numeric_Tab Decimal_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Decimal_Tab Decimal_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Decimal_Tab Decimal_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Decimal_Tab Double_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Double_Tab Double_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Double_Tab Double_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Double_Tab Float_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Float_Tab Float_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Float_Tab Float_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Float_Tab Real_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Real_Tab Real_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Real_Tab Real_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Real_Tab Bit_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Bit_Tab Bit_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Bit_Tab Bit_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Bit_Tab Smallint_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Smallint_Tab Smallint_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Smallint_Tab Smallint_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Smallint_Tab Tinyint_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Tinyint_Tab Tinyint_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Tinyint_Tab Tinyint_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Tinyint_Tab Integer_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Integer_Tab Integer_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Integer_Tab Integer_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Integer_Tab Bigint_Query_Max=Select MAX_VAL from Bigint_Tab Bigint_Query_Min=Select MIN_VAL from Bigint_Tab Bigint_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Bigint_Tab Char_Query_Name=Select COFFEE_NAME from Char_Tab Char_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Char_Tab Varchar_Query_Name=Select COFFEE_NAME from Varchar_Tab Varchar_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Varchar_Tab Longvarchar_Query_Name=Select COFFEE_NAME from Longvarchar_Tab Longvarchar_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Longvarcharnull_Tab Date_Query_Mfg=Select MFG_DATE from Date_Tab Date_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Date_Tab Time_Query_Brk=Select BRK_TIME from Time_Tab Time_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Time_Tab Timestamp_Query_In=Select IN_TIME from Timestamp_Tab Timestamp_Query_Null=Select NULL_VAL from Timestamp_Tab Binary_Query_Val=Select BINARY_VAL from Binary_Tab Varbinary_Query_Val=Select VARBINARY_VAL from Varbinary_Tab Longvarbinary_Query_Val=Select LONGVARBINARY_VAL from Longvarbinary_Tab #*************************************** # SQL Statements for updating the tables #*************************************** Numeric_Tab_Max_Update=update Numeric_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Numeric_Tab_Min_Update=update Numeric_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Numeric_Tab_Null_Update=update Numeric_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Decimal_Tab_Max_Update=update Decimal_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Decimal_Tab_Min_Update=update Decimal_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Decimal_Tab_Null_Update=update Decimal_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Double_Tab_Max_Update=update Double_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Double_Tab_Min_Update=update Double_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Double_Tab_Null_Update=update Double_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Float_Tab_Max_Update=update Float_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Float_Tab_Min_Update=update Float_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Float_Tab_Null_Update=update Float_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Real_Tab_Max_Update=update Real_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Real_Tab_Min_Update=update Real_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Real_Tab_Null_Update=update Real_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Bit_Tab_Max_Update=update Bit_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Bit_Tab_Min_Update=update Bit_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Bit_Tab_Null_Update=update Bit_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Smallint_Tab_Max_Update=update Smallint_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Smallint_Tab_Min_Update=update Smallint_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Smallint_Tab_Null_Update=update Smallint_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Tinyint_Tab_Max_Update=update Tinyint_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Tinyint_Tab_Min_Update=update Tinyint_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Tinyint_Tab_Null_Update=update Tinyint_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Integer_Tab_Max_Update=update Integer_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Integer_Tab_Min_Update=update Integer_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Integer_Tab_Null_Update=update Integer_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Bigint_Tab_Max_Update=update Bigint_Tab set MAX_VAL=? Bigint_Tab_Min_Update=update Bigint_Tab set MIN_VAL=? Bigint_Tab_Null_Update=update Bigint_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Char_Tab_Name_Update=update Char_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=? Char_Tab_Null_Update=update Char_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Varchar_Tab_Name_Update=update Varchar_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=? Varchar_Tab_Null_Update=update Varchar_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Longvarchar_Tab_Name_Update=update Longvarchar_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=? Longvarchar_Tab_Null_Update=update Longvarcharnull_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Date_Tab_Mfgdate_Update=update Date_Tab set MFG_DATE=? Date_Tab_Null_Update=update Date_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Time_Tab_Brktime_Update=update Time_Tab set BRK_TIME=? Time_Tab_Null_Update=update Time_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Timestamp_Tab_Intime_Update=update Timestamp_Tab set IN_TIME=? Timestamp_Tab_Null_Update=update Timestamp_Tab set NULL_VAL=? Binary_Tab_Val_Update=update Binary_Tab set BINARY_VAL=? Varbinary_Tab_Val_Update=update Varbinary_Tab set VARBINARY_VAL=? Longvarbinary_Tab_Val_Update=update Longvarbinary_Tab set LONGVARBINARY_VAL=? CoffeeTab_Query=select COF_NAME,PRICE from ctstable2 where TYPE_ID=? CoffeeTab_Delete=delete from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=? CoffeeTab_Select=select PRICE from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=? CoffeeTab_Update=update ctstable2 set PRICE=PRICE*20 where TYPE_ID=? Ins_Coffee_Tab=insert into ctstable2 values (9,'COFFEE-9',9.0,5) Del_Coffee_Tab=delete from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=9 Upd_Coffee_Tab=update ctstable2 set PRICE=PRICE*20 where TYPE_ID=1 Sel_Coffee_Tab=select PRICE from ctstable2 where KEY_ID>4 #********************************************************************************** # is used in ResultSet. To update with BIT value. #********************************************************************************** Update_decimal_tab=update Decimal_Tab set MAX_VAL=1.0, MIN_VAL=0.0, NULL_VAL=null Update_numeric_tab=update Numeric_Tab set MAX_VAL=1.0, MIN_VAL=0.0, NULL_VAL=null Update_char_tab1=update Char_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=1, NULL_VAL=null Update_char_tab2=update Char_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=0, NULL_VAL=null Update_varchar_tab1=update Varchar_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=1, NULL_VAL=null Update_varchar_tab2=update Varchar_Tab set COFFEE_NAME=0, NULL_VAL=null #********************************************************************************** # is used in BatchUpdate Tests. #********************************************************************************** BatchUpdate_Query=select count(*) from ctstable2 where TYPE_ID=? BatchUpdate_Delete=delete from ctstable2 BatchInsert_String=insert into ctstable2 values(?,?,?,?) #********************************************************************************** # is used in BatchUpdate exception #********************************************************************************** Coffee_InsTab=insert into ctstable2 values (9,'COFFEE-9',9.0,5) Coffee_DelTab=delete from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=2 Coffee_UpdTab=update ctstable2 set PRICE=PRICE*20 where TYPE_ID=1 Coffee_SelTab=select PRICE from ctstable2 where KEY_ID>4 Coffee_Inscount_Query=select count(*) from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=9 Coffee_Delcount_Query=select count(*) from ctstable2 where KEY_ID=2 Coffee_Updcount_Query=select count(*) from ctstable2 where TYPE_ID=1 CoffeeTab_Continue1=update ctstable2 set KEY_ID=?, COF_NAME=? where COF_NAME=? CoffeeTab_ContinueSelect1=Select count(*) from ctstable2 where COF_NAME in ('Continue-1') CoffeeTab_Continue2=update ctstable2 set KEY_ID=1,COF_NAME = 'Continue-1' where COF_NAME='COFFEE-1' CoffeeTab_Continue3=update ctstable2 set KEY_ID=1 ,COF_NAME = 'Invalid' where COF_NAME='COFFEE-3' CoffeeTab_Continue4=update ctstable2 set KEY_ID=2,COF_NAME = 'Continue-3' where COF_NAME='COFFEE-2' Coffee_Proc1=create procedure Coffee_Proc1(keyid in Numeric) as begin update ctstable2 set KEY_ID=keyid,COF_NAME = 'Continue-1' where KEY_ID=1;end [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Lexical error at line 1, column 3. Encountered: "@" (64), after : "". [ERROR] Failed to execute: Coffee_Proc1_Delete=Drop procedure Coffee_Proc1 #********************************************************************************** # is used in DataTruncation exception #********************************************************************************** DTrunc_Ins_Coffee=insert into ctstable2 values (10,'kumarjadjsjdhsjhdjsjdajhdjasdsdsdsd',21.00,1) #********************************************************************************** # is used in SQLException #********************************************************************************** Error_Query=select * from #********************************************************************************** # Constructor arguments for exceptions #********************************************************************************** Reason_BatUpdExec=Message SQLState_BatUpdExec=S100 VendorCode_BatUpdExec=10 IntialValue_BatUpdExec={1,1,1} Index_DataTrunc=1 Param_DataTrunc=true Read_DataTrunc=true DataSize_DataTrunc=100 TranSize_DataTrunc=50 #********************************************************************************** # is used to print a message to the current logging writer #********************************************************************************** JDBCLogstream_Message=Hello World #********************************************************************************** #The following pair of values are related and so must be changed simultaneously #The first one is a reference value and the second one is a equivalent in millisecond after epoch #********************************************************************************** DateTime_Str_Val1=1970-01-02 00:00:00.001 DateTime_Long_Val1=86400001 #********************************************************************************** #The following pair of values are related and so must be changed simultaneously #The first one is a reference value and the second one is a equivalent in millisecond after epoch #********************************************************************************** DateTime_Str_Val2=1969-12-30 23:59:59.999 DateTime_Long_Val2=-86400001 #********************************************************************************** #value in millisecond for testing after() and before() in Timestamp #********************************************************************************** Ref_Milli_Val = 86400000 #********************************************************************************** #Value in nanoseconds for testing time values #********************************************************************************** Ref_Nano_Val = 999999999 #********************************************************************************** #Value in nanoseconds and must be equivalent equivalent to multiples of milliseconds #********************************************************************************** Ref_Nano_Val2 = 1000000 Trial_String=TrialSetting Escape_Seq_Query=select count(*) from ctstable2 where cof_name like '\%-%' { escape '\\' } Escape_Seq_ChkQuery=select count(*) from ctstable2 Max_Set_Val=10 #********************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used to test the Scalar functions using escape syntax #********************************************************************************** Concat_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN CONCAT(STRING1,STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Ascii_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ASCII(STRING1)} FROM ctstable3 Insert_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN INSERT(STRING1,2,4,STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Lcase_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LCASE(STRING1)} FROM ctstable3 Left_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LEFT(STRING1,2)} FROM ctstable3 Length_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LENGTH(STRING1)} FROM ctstable3 Locate_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LOCATE(STRING1,STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Ltrim_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LTRIM(STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Repeat_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN REPEAT(STRING1,3)} FROM ctstable3 Right_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN RIGHT(STRING1,3)} FROM ctstable3 Rtrim_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN RTRIM(STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Soundex_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SOUNDEX(STRING1)} FROM ctstable3 Space_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SPACE(5)} FROM ctstable3 Substring_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SUBSTR(STRING2,2,3)} FROM ctstable3 Ucase_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN UCASE(STRING1)} FROM ctstable3 Char_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN CHAR(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Replace_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN REPLACE(STRING2,STRING1,STRING3)} FROM ctstable3 User_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN USER()} FROM ctstable3 Ifnull_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN IFNULL(STRING1,100)} FROM ctstable3 Sin_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SIN(0)} FROM ctstable3 Abs_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ABS(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Power_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN POWER(NUMCOL,2)} FROM ctstable3 Round_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ROUND(FLOATCOL,2)} FROM ctstable3 Sign_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SIGN(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Sqrt_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SQRT(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Truncate_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TRUNCATE(FLOATCOL,1)} FROM ctstable3 Mod_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN MOD(NUMCOL,7)} FROM ctstable3 Floor_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN FLOOR(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Ceiling_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN CEILING(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Log10_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LOG10(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Log_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LOG(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Exp_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN EXP(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Cos_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN COS(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Tan_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TAN(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Cot_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN COT(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Curdate_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN CURDATE()} FROM ctstable3 Dayname_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DAYNAME(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Dayofmonth_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DAYOFMONTH(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Dayofweek_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DAYOFWEEK(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Dayofyear_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DAYOFYEAR(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Week_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN WEEK(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Month_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN MONTH(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Year_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN YEAR(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Monthname_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN MONTHNAME(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Quarter_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN QUARTER(DATECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Now_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN NOW()} FROM ctstable3 Hour_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN HOUR(TIMECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Minute_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN MINUTE(TIMECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Second_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN SECOND(TIMECOL)} FROM ctstable3 Database_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DATABASE()} FROM ctstable3 Acos_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ACOS(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Asin_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ASIN(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Atan_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ATAN(FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Atan2_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN ATAN2(FLOATCOL,FLOATCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Degrees_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DEGREES(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Radians_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN RADIANS(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Pi_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN PI()} FROM ctstable3 Rand_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN RAND(NUMCOL)} FROM ctstable3 Difference_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN DIFFERENCE(STRING1,STRING2)} FROM ctstable3 Locate_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN LOCATE(STRING1,STRING2,2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddfrac_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddsecond_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddminute_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MINUTE,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddhour_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_HOUR,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddday_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddweek_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_WEEK,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddmonth_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_MONTH,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddquarter_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_QUARTER,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampaddyear_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_YEAR,2,TSCOL1)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdifffrac_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffsecond_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_SECOND,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffminute_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_MINUTE,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffhour_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffday_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffweek_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_WEEK,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffmonth_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_MONTH,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffquarter_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_QUARTER,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 Timestampdiffyear_Fn_Query=SELECT {FN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_YEAR,TSCOL1,TSCOL2)} FROM ctstable3 #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used to test the Outer Joins using escape syntax #***************************************************************************** Left_Oj_Query=SELECT * FROM {OJ ctstable3 LEFT OUTER JOIN ctstable4 ON ctstable3.NUMCOL=ctstable4.NUMCOL} Right_Oj_Query=SELECT * FROM {OJ ctstable3 RIGHT OUTER JOIN ctstable4 ON ctstable3.NUMCOL=ctstable4.NUMCOL} Full_Oj_Query=SELECT * FROM {OJ ctstable3 FULL OUTER JOIN ctstable4 ON ctstable3.NUMCOL=ctstable4.NUMCOL} #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements for creating, inserting and dropping the tables which are #used in testing the scalar functions and outer joins using escape syntax #***************************************************************************** Fnschema_Tab1_Insert=INSERT INTO ctstable3 VALUES ('Java',' HotJava ','JAVA',100,0.5,{d '1993-07-13'},{t '10:30:55'},{ts '1996-05-10 10:07:04'},{ts '1996-05-10 10:07:05'}) Fnschema_Tab2_Insert=INSERT INTO ctstable4 VALUES ('STRING3',100) Fnschema_Tab1_Delete=delete from ctstable3 Fnschema_Tab2_Delete=delete from ctstable4 #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in TxBean (Session bean) #***************************************************************************** TxBean_insert1=insert into TxBean_Tab1 values(?, ?, ?) TxBean_insert2=insert into TxBean_Tab2 values(?, ?, ?) TxBean_delete1=delete from TxBean_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_delete2=delete from TxBean_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_update1=update TxBean_Tab1 set TABONE_NAME = ? where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_update2=update TxBean_Tab2 set TABTWO_NAME = ? where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_update3=update TxBean_Tab1 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_update4=update TxBean_Tab2 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_query1=select * from TxBean_Tab1 TxBean_query2=select * from TxBean_Tab2 TxBean_query3=select KEY_ID, TABONE_NAME, PRICE from TxBean_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_query4=select KEY_ID, TABTWO_NAME, PRICE from TxBean_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? TxBean_Tab1_Delete=delete from TxBean_Tab1 TxBean_Tab2_Delete=delete from TxBean_Tab2 #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in TxEBean (Entity bean) #***************************************************************************** TxEBean_updateString1=insert into TxEBean_Tab values(?, ?, ?) TxEBean_updateString2=delete from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_updateString3=update TxEBean_Tab set BRAND_NAME = ?, PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_selectString1=select KEY_ID from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_selectString2=select KEY_ID from TxEBean_Tab where BRAND_NAME = ? TxEBean_selectString3=select KEY_ID from TxEBean_Tab where PRICE = ? TxEBean_selectString4=select KEY_ID, BRAND_NAME, PRICE from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_selectString5=select BRAND_NAME from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_selectString6=select PRICE from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_queryStr1=select KEY_ID from TxEBean_Tab where KEY_ID = ? TxEBean_Delete=delete from TxEBean_Tab #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in the integration/session and #integration/entity tests #***************************************************************************** Integration_Tab_Delete=delete from Integration_Tab Integration_Insert=insert into Integration_Tab values(?, ?) Integration_Insert1=insert into Integration_Tab values(1000, 50000.0) Integration_Insert2=insert into Integration_Tab values(1075, 10490.75) Integration_Insert3=insert into Integration_Tab values(40, 200.50) Integration_Insert4=insert into Integration_Tab values(30564, 25000.0) Integration_Insert5=insert into Integration_Tab values(387, 1000000.0) Integration_Select_Account=select * from Integration_Tab WHERE ACCOUNT = ? Integration_Select_All=select * from Integration_Tab Integration_Update_Account=update Integration_Tab set BALANCE = ? where ACCOUNT = ? Integration_Delete_Account=delete from Integration_Tab where ACCOUNT = ? #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in the integration/sec tests #***************************************************************************** Integration_Sec_Tab_Delete=delete from Integration_Sec_Tab Integration_Sec_Tab_Insert=insert into Integration_Sec_Tab values(?, ?, ?) Integration_Sec_Tab_Delete1=delete from Integration_Sec_Tab WHERE LOG_NO=? Integration_Sec_Tab_Delete2=delete FROM Integration_Sec_Tab where LOG_NO=? and not ( LINE_NO = ? ) Integration_Sec_Tab_Update=update Integration_Sec_Tab set MESSAGE= ? where LOG_NO = ? and LINE_NO = ? Integration_Sec_Tab_Select1=select MESSAGE, LINE_NO from Integration_Sec_Tab where LOG_NO = ? and not( LINE_NO= ? ) order by LINE_NO Integration_Sec_Tab_Select2=select MESSAGE FROM Integration_Sec_Tab where LOG_NO = ? and LINE_NO = ? Integration_Sec_Tab_Select3=select MAX(LOG_NO) FROM Integration_Sec_Tab Integration_Sec_Tab_Select4=select LOG_NO from Integration_Sec_Tab where MESSAGE = ? and LINE_NO = ? Integration_Sec_Tab_Select5=select LINE_NO from Integration_Sec_Tab where LOG_NO = ? and LINE_NO= ? #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in DBSupport used by ejb/ee/bb tests #***************************************************************************** BB_Tab_Delete=delete from BB_Tab BB_Insert1=insert into BB_Tab values(?, ?, ?) BB_Select1=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? BB_Select2=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where BRAND_NAME = ? BB_Select3=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where PRICE = ? BB_Select4=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where PRICE >= ? and PRICE <= ? BB_Select5=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where KEY_ID >= ? and KEY_ID <= ? BB_Select6=select PRICE from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? BB_Update1=update BB_Tab set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? BB_Delete1=delete from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in DAO by ejb/ee/bb tests #***************************************************************************** COFFEE_BB_Tab_Delete=delete from BB_Tab COFFEE_BB_Insert1=insert into BB_Tab values(?, ?, ?) COFFEE_BB_Select1=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_BB_Select2=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where BRAND_NAME = ? COFFEE_BB_Select3=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where PRICE = ? COFFEE_BB_Select4=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where PRICE >= ? and PRICE <= ? COFFEE_BB_Select5=select KEY_ID from BB_Tab where KEY_ID >= ? and KEY_ID <= ? COFFEE_BB_Select6=select PRICE from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_BB_Update1=update BB_Tab set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_BB_Delete1=delete from BB_Tab where KEY_ID = ? #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in DBSupport in jta/ee/txpropagationtest #***************************************************************************** JTA_Tab1_Delete=delete from JTA_Tab1 JTA_Tab2_Delete=delete from JTA_Tab2 JTA_Tab1_Insert=insert into JTA_Tab1 values(?, ?, ?) JTA_Tab2_Insert=insert into JTA_Tab2 values(?, ?, ?) JTA_Delete1=delete from JTA_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Delete2=delete from JTA_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab1_Update1=update JTA_Tab1 set COF_NAME = ? where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab2_Update1=update JTA_Tab2 set CHOC_NAME = ? where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab1_Update2=update JTA_Tab1 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab2_Update2=update JTA_Tab2 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab1_Select=select * from JTA_Tab1 JTA_Tab2_Select=select * from JTA_Tab2 JTA_Tab1_Select1=select KEY_ID, COF_NAME, PRICE FROM JTA_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? JTA_Tab2_Select1=select KEY_ID, CHOC_NAME, PRICE FROM JTA_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? #***************************************************************************** # SQL Statements used by deployment tests # # See /tests/assembly/util/dbsupport for more details # #***************************************************************************** # # BMP table with Integer Primary Key # DEPLOY_intPKTable_Insert=insert into Deploy_Tab1 values(?, ?, ?) DEPLOY_intPKTable_Select_PK=select KEY_ID from Deploy_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_intPKTable_Select_Price=select PRICE from Deploy_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_intPKTable_Update=update Deploy_Tab1 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_intPKTable_Delete=delete from Deploy_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_intPKTable_Cleanup=delete from Deploy_Tab1 # # BMP table with String Primary Key # DEPLOY_strPKTable_Insert=insert into Deploy_Tab2 values(?, ?, ?) DEPLOY_strPKTable_Select_PK=select KEY_ID from Deploy_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_strPKTable_Select_Price=select PRICE from Deploy_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_strPKTable_Update=update Deploy_Tab2 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_strPKTable_Delete=delete from Deploy_Tab2 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_strPKTable_Cleanup=delete from Deploy_Tab2 # # BMP table with Long Primary Key # DEPLOY_longPKTable_Insert=insert into Deploy_Tab3 values(?, ?, ?) DEPLOY_longPKTable_Select_PK=select KEY_ID from Deploy_Tab3 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_longPKTable_Select_Price=select PRICE from Deploy_Tab3 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_longPKTable_Update=update Deploy_Tab3 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_longPKTable_Delete=delete from Deploy_Tab3 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_longPKTable_Cleanup=delete from Deploy_Tab3 # # BMP table with Float Primary Key # DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Insert=insert into Deploy_Tab4 values(?, ?, ?) DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Select_PK=select KEY_ID from Deploy_Tab4 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Select_Price=select PRICE from Deploy_Tab4 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Update=update Deploy_Tab4 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Delete=delete from Deploy_Tab4 where KEY_ID = ? DEPLOY_floatPKTable_Cleanup=delete from Deploy_Tab4 # # BMP table with Compound Primary Key # DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Insert=insert into Deploy_Tab5 values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Select_PK=select KEY_ID1, KEY_ID2, KEY_ID3 from Deploy_Tab5 where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Select_Price=select PRICE from Deploy_Tab5 where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Update=update Deploy_Tab5 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Delete=delete from Deploy_Tab5 where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? DEPLOY_compoundPKTable_Cleanup=delete from Deploy_Tab5 #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in DBSupport2 used by secpropagation tests #***************************************************************************** SEC_Insert1=insert into SEC_Tab1 values(?, ?, ?) SEC_Select1=select KEY_ID from SEC_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? SEC_Select2=select KEY_ID from SEC_Tab1 where BRAND = ? SEC_Select3=select KEY_ID from SEC_Tab1 where PRICE = ? SEC_Select4=select KEY_ID from SEC_Tab1 where PRICE >= ? and PRICE <= ? SEC_Select5=select KEY_ID from SEC_Tab1 where KEY_ID >= ? and KEY_ID <= ? SEC_Select6=select PRICE from SEC_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? SEC_Update1=update SEC_Tab1 set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? SEC_Delete1=delete from SEC_Tab1 where KEY_ID = ? SEC_Tab1_Delete=delete from SEC_Tab1 #***************************************************************************** # Connector tests in src/tests/connector #***************************************************************************** ConnectorTable_Insert=insert into Connector_Tab values(?, ?, ?) ConnectorTable_Delete=delete from Connector_Tab #***************************************************************************** # insert values EIS #***************************************************************************** TSEIS_insert_init=1 TSEIS_insert1=2 TSEIS_insert2=3 #***************************************************************************** #The SQL Statements which are used in xa multires tests #***************************************************************************** Xa_Tab1_Select=select * from Xa_Tab1 # insert values Xa_Tab1_Insert=insert into Xa_Tab1 values(?, ?, ?) # delete using id Xa_Tab1_Delete1=delete from Xa_Tab1 where col1 = ? Xa_Tab1_Delete=delete from Xa_Tab1 Xa_Tab2_Delete=delete from Xa_Tab2 #initial insert Xa_Tab1_insert_init=insert into Xa_Tab1 values (1, 'Table1 Line one ', '1.0' ) Xa_Tab2_insert_init=insert into Xa_Tab2 values (1, 'Table2 Line one ', '2.0' ) #subsequent insert Xa_Tab1_insert1=insert into Xa_Tab1 values (2, 'Table1 Line two ', '11.0' ) Xa_Tab1_insert2=insert into Xa_Tab1 values (3, 'Table1 Line three ','111.0' ) Xa_Tab2_insert1=insert into Xa_Tab2 values (2, 'Table2 Line two ', '22.0' ) Xa_Tab2_insert2=insert into Xa_Tab2 values (3, 'Table2 Line three ', '222.0' ) #get results Xa_Tab1_query=select col1 from Xa_Tab1 order by col1 Xa_Tab2_query=select col1 from Xa_Tab2 order by col1 #***************************************************************************** # Coffee DAO SQL statements #***************************************************************************** # # Standard Coffee DAO # COFFEE_insert=insert into Coffee_Table values(?, ?, ?) COFFEE_select=select BRAND_NAME, PRICE from Coffee_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_select_pk_by_name=select KEY_ID from Coffee_Table where BRAND_NAME = ? COFFEE_select_pk_by_price=select KEY_ID from Coffee_Table where PRICE = ? COFFEE_select_pk_by_price_range=select KEY_ID from Coffee_Table where PRICE >= ? and PRICE <= ? COFFEE_select_pk_by_pk_range=select KEY_ID from Coffee_Table where KEY_ID >= ? and KEY_ID <= ? COFFEE_select_price=select PRICE from Coffee_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_update=update Coffee_Table set BRAND_NAME = ?, PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_update_price=update Coffee_Table set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_delete=delete from Coffee_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_delete_all=delete from Coffee_Table # # Coffee DAO variant with String Primary Key # COFFEE_STRING_PK_insert=insert into Coffee_StringPK_Table values(?, ?, ?) COFFEE_STRING_PK_select=select KEY_ID from Coffee_StringPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_STRING_PK_select_price=select PRICE from Coffee_StringPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_STRING_PK_update_price=update Coffee_StringPK_Table set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_STRING_PK_delete=delete from Coffee_StringPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_STRING_PK_delete_all=delete from Coffee_StringPK_Table # # Coffee DAO variant with Long Primary Key # COFFEE_LONG_PK_insert=insert into Coffee_LongPK_Table values(?, ?, ?) COFFEE_LONG_PK_select=select KEY_ID from Coffee_LongPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_LONG_PK_select_price=select PRICE from Coffee_LongPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_LONG_PK_update_price=update Coffee_LongPK_Table set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_LONG_PK_delete=delete from Coffee_LongPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_LONG_PK_delete_all=delete from Coffee_LongPK_Table # # Coffee DAO variant with Float Primary Key # COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_insert=insert into Coffee_FloatPK_Table values(?, ?, ?) COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_select=select KEY_ID from Coffee_FloatPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_select_price=select PRICE from Coffee_FloatPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_update_price=update Coffee_FloatPK_Table set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_delete=delete from Coffee_FloatPK_Table where KEY_ID = ? COFFEE_FLOAT_PK_delete_all=delete from Coffee_FloatPK_Table # # Coffee DAO variant with Compound Primary Key # COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_insert=insert into Coffee_CompoundPK_Table values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_select=select KEY_ID1, KEY_ID2, KEY_ID3 from Coffee_CompoundPK_Table where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_select_price=select PRICE from Coffee_CompoundPK_Table where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_update_price=update Coffee_CompoundPK_Table set PRICE = ? where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_delete=delete from Coffee_CompoundPK_Table where KEY_ID1 = ? and KEY_ID2 = ? and KEY_ID3 = ? COFFEE_COMPOUND_PK_delete_all=delete from Coffee_CompoundPK_Table [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "Coffee_Proc1_Delete" at line 1, column 1. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.dml.jpa.778928522sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: Insert_Jpa_Purchase_Order= INSERT INTO PURCHASE_ORDER(ID, TOTAL, DESCRIPTION) VALUES(?, ?, null) Select_Jpa_Purchase_Order= SELECT ID, TOTAL FROM PURCHASE_ORDER WHERE ID=? [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "Insert_Jpa_Purchase_Order" at line 1, column 1. [INFO] Executing file: /tmp/derby.dml.jstl.1952768716sql [ERROR] Failed to execute: Simple_Select_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab1 Select_NoRows_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab1 WHERE idNum = -9999 Select_Jstl_Tab1_OneRow_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab1 where idNum = 1 Select_Jstl_Tab1_By_Id_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab1 ORDER BY idNum Select_Jstl_Tab1_Using_Param_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab1 WHERE idNum = ? Select_Jstl_Tab2_Using_Param_Query= SELECT idNum, lastName FROM jstl_tab2 WHERE idNum = ? Update_Jstl_Tab2_Using_Param_Query= UPDATE jstl_tab2 SET lastName= ? WHERE idNum = ? Delete_NoRows_Query= DELETE FROM jstl_tab2 WHERE idNum = -9999 Delete_AllRows_Query= DELETE FROM jstl_tab2 Insert_Row_Query= INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (1, {d '1961-08-30'}, 'Clark', 'Kent', 1, 4.5) Insert2_Row_Query= INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (2, {d '1980-12-30'}, 'Fred', 'Flinstone', 2, 4.5) Insert3_Row_Query= INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (3, {d '1961-01-01'}, 'Scooby', 'Doo', 4, 4.5) Insert4_Row_Query= INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (4, {d '1990-03-15'}, 'Bruce', 'Wayne', 3, 4.5) Delete_Jstl_Tab2_Using_Param_Query=DELETE FROM jstl_tab2 where idNum = ? Failed_Insert_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (2, '1992-02-03'}, NULL,NULL, 2, 4.5) Select_Jstl_Tab2_AllRows_Query=SELECT * from jstl_tab2 Invalid_SQL_Query=This Will Fail on Any RDBMS I Hope! Select_Jstl_Tab1_MultiParam_Query=SELECT idNum, firstName, lastName from jstl_tab1 where idNum= ? and lastName = ? Delete_Jstl_Tab2_MultiParam_Query=DELETE FROM jstl_tab2 where idNum = ? and lastName = ? Select_Jstl_Tab3_Date_Query=SELECT * from jstl_tab3 where aDate= ? Select_Jstl_Tab3_Time_Query=SELECT * from jstl_tab3 where aTime= ? Select_Jstl_Tab3_Timestamp_Query=SELECT * from jstl_tab3 where aTimestamp= ? Insert_Jstl_Tab3_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab3(idNum, aDate, aTime, aTimestamp) VALUES(1, {d '2001-08-30'}, {t '20:20:20'}, {ts '2001-08-30 20:20:20'}) Insert_Jstl_Tab3_Date_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab3(idNum, aDate, aTime, aTimestamp) VALUES(1, ?, {t '20:20:20'}, {ts '2001-08-30 20:20:20'}) Insert_Jstl_Tab3_Time_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab3(idNum, aDate, aTime, aTimestamp) VALUES(1, {d '2001-08-30'}, ?, {ts '2001-08-30 20:20:20'}) Insert_Jstl_Tab3_Timestamp_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab3(idNum, aDate, aTime, aTimestamp) VALUES(1, {d '2001-08-30'}, {t '20:20:20'}, ?) Delete_Jstl_Tab3_AllRows_Query= DELETE FROM jstl_tab3 Insert_Jstl_Tab3_Null_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab3(idNum, aDate, aTime, aTimestamp) VALUES(99, null, null, null) Select_Jstl_Tab2_NullParam_Query= SELECT * FROM jstl_tab2 WHERE rank = ? Insert_Jstl_Tab2_Null_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (5, {d '1970-07-04'}, 'Peter', 'Parker', 5, null) Insert_Jstl_Tab2_NullParam_Query=INSERT INTO jstl_tab2(idNum, dob, firstName, lastName, rank, rating) VALUES (5, {d '1970-07-04'}, 'Peter', 'Parker', 5, ?) [ERROR] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "Simple_Select_Query" at line 1, column 1. [INFO] 1130 of 1307 SQL statements executed successfully [INFO] [INFO] --- gmaven-plugin:1.5:execute (javatest) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Get property: testSectionsFile=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/ [INFO] Require property: tests [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Require property: tests [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Executing JavaTest... [INFO] Get property: openejb.home=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Get property: ri.home=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: webcontainer.default.port=35285 [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: webcontainer=tomee-plume [INFO] Get property: testSectionsFile=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/ [INFO] Require property: tests [INFO] Get property: [com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder] [INFO] Get property: timeout=null [INFO] Get property: logOutput=true [INFO] Get property: logOutputDirectory=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/logs [INFO] Require property: openejb.home [INFO] Get property: openejb.home=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] Require property: cts.home [INFO] Get property: cts.home=/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck [INFO] Require property: ri.home [INFO] Get property: ri.home=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish [INFO] Get property: options=null [INFO] Require property: java.home [INFO] Get property: java.home=/home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9 [INFO] Created dir: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tck-work [INFO] Redirecting output to: /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/logs/javatest.log [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Using java home (container) /home/ec2-user/jdk17 [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Using java version (container) 17.0 [INFO] Get property: [INFO] Using java opts (container) -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED [INFO] Require property: openejb.server.uri [INFO] Get property: openejb.server.uri=http://localhost:35285/tomee/ejb [INFO] Require property: webcontainer.default.shutdown.port [INFO] Get property: webcontainer.default.shutdown.port=34207 [INFO] Require property: cts.harness.debug [INFO] Get property: cts.harness.debug=false [INFO] Require property: deliverable.class [INFO] Get property: deliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable [INFO] Require property: deploy_delay_in_minutes [INFO] Get property: deploy_delay_in_minutes=5 [INFO] Including tests: com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder [INFO] Running tests... [INFO] > JavaTest Java Version: null [INFO] > JavaTest Java Home: /home/ec2-user/jdk-11.0.10+9 [INFO] > Container Java Version: 17.0 [INFO] > Container Java Home: /home/ec2-user/jdk17 =============================================================================== 1/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#acceptLanguageByLocalesTest_from_standalone - PASSED 2/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#acceptLanguageByStringsTest_from_standalone - PASSED 3/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#asyncTest_from_standalone - PASSED 4/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildDeleteTest_from_standalone - PASSED 5/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildGetTest_from_standalone - PASSED 6/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildPostTest_from_standalone - PASSED 7/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildPutTest_from_standalone - PASSED 8/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildTest_from_standalone - PASSED 9/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#buildWithEntityTest_from_standalone - PASSED 10/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#cacheControlTest_from_standalone - PASSED 11/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#cookieCookieTest_from_standalone - PASSED 12/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#cookieStringStringTest_from_standalone - PASSED 13/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#headerObjectTest_from_standalone - PASSED 14/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#headersMultivaluedMapIsNullReplacesAllTest_from_standalone - PASSED 15/-0/?0 - com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/client/invocationbuilder/JAXRSClient#java#headersMultivaluedMapTest_from_standalone - PASSED =============================================================================== Completed running 15 tests (0:00:47.370): Passed: 15 Failed: 0 Errors: 0 =============================================================================== [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ tomee-tck --- [INFO] Installing /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/target/tomee-tck-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/ec2-user/repository/org/apache/tomee/cts/tomee-tck/9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/tomee-tck-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp1803025839492196293dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-17189/pom.xml to /home/ec2-user/repository/org/apache/tomee/cts/tomee-tck/9.1.1-SNAPSHOT/tomee-tck-9.1.1-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:30 min [INFO] Finished at: 2023-10-10T13:26:25Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------