******************************************************************************** Beginning Test: com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/container/responsecontext/JAXRSClient.java#setStatusTest_from_standalone ******************************************************************************** Undeploying apps... StandardDeployment14.isDeployed() Deployed Modules: Search for s1as runtime files match:`jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: Deploying apps for forward rebuildable... Search for s1as runtime files match:`jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web.war` Valid runtime files after sweep: StandardDeployment14.deploy() Starting to distribute: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/container/responsecontext/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web.war file: /home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/container/responsecontext/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web.war plan: java.io.ByteArrayInputStream@48de7f8f amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager $$$$$$$$$$ Deployment SUCCEEDED for "/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/dist/com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/container/responsecontext/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web.war" amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager amd Obtained CACHED DeploymentManager harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is 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sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = harness.executeMode is set to "0" keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all sClassPathFromExecProps = 04-14-2021 04:33:41: Harness - harness.executeMode is set to "0" 04-14-2021 04:33:41: Harness - keywords (to be passed to tests) set to: all 04-14-2021 04:33:41: Harness - sClassPathFromExecProps = command: com.sun.ts.lib.harness.ExecTSTestCmd CLASSPATH=:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-api.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-core.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-impl.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/tsharness.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/cts.jar:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/lib/sigtest.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-8.0-5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/tomee-tck-8.0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-8.0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT/lib/openejb-core-eclipselink-8.0.7-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/activemq-client-5.16.0.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/activemq-jdbc-store-5.16.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/bval-jsr-2.0.5.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/catalina.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-collections4-4.4.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-dbcp2-2.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.11.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/commons-pool2-2.3.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/cts-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/dbprocedures-9.1.jar:/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/lib/derby- DISPLAY=:0.0 HOME=/home/ec2-user windir= SYSTEMROOT= PATH=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/nativelib /home/ec2-user/jdk8/jre/bin/java -Dcts.tmp=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/harnesstmp/ -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=javax.net.ssl -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/src/test/keystores/clientcert.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=changeit -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/src/test/keystores/ssl-truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/modules/endorsed:/home/ec2-user/jakartaee91tck/endorsedlib -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish -Dcatalina.base=target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT -Dlog.file.location=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT/logs -Dservlet.is.jsr115.compatible=false -Dprovider.configuration.file=/home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/apache-tomee-plume-9.0.0-M7-SNAPSHOT/conf/ProviderConfiguration.xml -Dlogical.hostname.servlet=Catalina/localhost -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=/home/ec2-user/glassfish6/glassfish/config -Ddeliverable.class=com.sun.ts.lib.deliverable.cts.CTSDeliverable -Dopenejb.validation.output.level=3 com.sun.ts.tests.common.vehicle.VehicleClient -p /home/ec2-user/gbuild-aws/node/target/apache-tomee/temp/temp2279251113817314887dir/gbuild/work/workspace-1/project-8189/target/harnesstmp//tmp/tstest.jte -t setStatusTest -vehicle standalone ************************************************************ * props file set to "/tmp/ec2-user-cts-props.txt" ************************************************************ 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.socket.retry.count is "10" 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ####### Value of harness.log.port is "36743" 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ####### Actual bind value of harness.log.port is "36743" 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: in ServiceEETest.run() method 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: Vehicle to be used for this test is: standalone 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] Contextroot set at /jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: in custom vehicle so call on EETest. 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: *** in EETest.run(argv,p) 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: TESTCLASS=com.sun.ts.tests.jaxrs.ee.rs.container.responsecontext.JAXRSClient 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testClass=com.sun.ts.tests.jaxrs.ee.rs.container.responsecontext.JAXRSClient 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ** IN getRunMethod: testname=setStatusTest 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ** GOT RUN METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: **runmethod=setStatusTest 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO GET SETUP METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: No setupMethod annotation present 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for testcase specific setup method: setStatusTest_setup 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: getSetupMethod - checking for default class specific setup method 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: GOT SETUP METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: No cleanupMethod annotation present 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for testcase specific cleanup method: setStatusTest_cleanup 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: getCleanupMethod - checking for default class specific cleanup method 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: GOT CLEANUP METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE SETUP METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: setup method JAXRSCommonClient 04-14-2021 04:33:42: [JAXRSCommonClient] Test setup OK 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: INVOKED SETUP METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: ABOUT TO INVOKE EETEST RUN METHOD! 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:42: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:42: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:42: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:45: [Request] Adding entity: 200 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 200 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 200 OK 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:45 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 200 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '200' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:45: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:45: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:45: [Request] Adding entity: 201 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 201 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '201' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 201 CREATED 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:45 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 201 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:45: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:45: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:45: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 202 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 202 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 202 ACCEPTED 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 202 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '202' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 204 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 204 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '204' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 204 NO_CONTENT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: */* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 205 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 205 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '205' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 205 RESET_CONTENT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 0 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 206 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 206 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 206 PARTIAL_CONTENT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 206 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '206' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 301 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 301 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 301 MOVED_PERMANENTLY 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 301 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '301' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 302 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 302 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 302 FOUND 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 302 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '302' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 303 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 303 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 303 SEE_OTHER 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 303 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '303' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 304 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 304 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 304 NOT_MODIFIED 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '304' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 305 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 305 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 305 USE_PROXY 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 305 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '305' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 307 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 307 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 307 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '307' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 400 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 400 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 400 BAD_REQUEST 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 400 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '400' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Adding entity: 401 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 401 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 401 UNAUTHORIZED 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:46 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 401 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '401' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:46: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:46: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:46: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 402 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 402 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 402 PAYMENT_REQUIRED 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 402 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '402' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 403 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 403 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 403 FORBIDDEN 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 403 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '403' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 404 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 404 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '404' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 404 NOT_FOUND 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 404 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 405 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 405 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 405 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '405' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 406 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 406 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 406 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '406' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 407 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 407 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 407 PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 407 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '407' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 408 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 408 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 408 REQUEST_TIMEOUT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 408 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '408' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 409 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 409 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 409 CONFLICT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 409 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '409' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 410 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 410 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 410 GONE 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 410 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '410' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 411 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 411 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 411 LENGTH_REQUIRED 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '411' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 412 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '412' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 411 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 412 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 412 PRECONDITION_FAILED 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 412 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 413 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 413 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 413 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '413' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 414 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 414 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '414' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 414 REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 414 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Adding entity: 415 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 415 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:47 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 415 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '415' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:47: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:47: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:47: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 416 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 416 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 416 REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 416 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '416' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 417 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 417 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 417 EXPECTATION_FAILED 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 417 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '417' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 428 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 428 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '428' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 428 PRECONDITION_REQUIRED 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 428 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 429 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 429 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 429 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '429' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 431 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 431 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 431 REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 431 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '431' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 500 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 500 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '500' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 500 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 501 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 501 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '501' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 501 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 502 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 502 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 502 BAD_GATEWAY 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 502 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '502' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 503 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 503 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: close 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 503 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '503' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 504 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 504 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '504' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 504 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 505 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 505 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 505 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '505' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] invoke 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] setTestProperties 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [JAXRSCommonClient] EXECUTING 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Dispatching request: 'POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus' to target server at 'localhost:43415' 04-14-2021 04:33:48: ############################### 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [Request] Adding entity: 511 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> POST http://localhost:43415/jaxrs_ee_rs_container_responsecontext_web/resource/setstatus 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> Accept:*/*, Content-Type:*/* 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - >> 511 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WebValidatorBase] Expected Status Code '511' found in response line! 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 511 NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << connection: keep-alive 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Content-Length: 3 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << content-type: application/octet-stream 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 04:33:48 GMT 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << Keep-Alive: timeout=20 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << OPERATION: SETSTATUS 04-14-2021 04:33:48: TRACE: [WIRE] - << 511 04-14-2021 04:33:48: [JAXRSCommonClient] Test cleanup OK 04-14-2021 04:33:49: TRACE: SLEPT FOR: 1000 STATUS:Passed. Passed. ******************************************************************************** Finished Test: PASSED........com/sun/ts/tests/jaxrs/ee/rs/container/responsecontext/JAXRSClient.java#setStatusTest_from_standalone ********************************************************************************